
The scale could be better but this should be represented by percentages not totals.

I blame Reps and their “Southern strategy” and their corporate bidding.

Hillary is a traditional neo-con Republican, of course people who are true Republicans would vote for her.

Look, Hillary is still ahead on the electoral college, but there’s no denying they are pretty much tied in national polls, even after “Pussygate” which in America would have ended any other candidate’s chances. This election will come down to a handful of swing states, so I wouldn’t call victory yet, it’s not over

That’s Richard Sayre from Dark Tower. Someone hire Buscemi.

Let’s make the sanctity of our bodily fluids great again!

This is so fitting. It’s tremendous! Have you seen the Amphibiosians? They not sending their best. They are sending their ugly, their hermaphrodites. This needs to stop. We will build a great, beautiful deflector shield around the galaxy! Let’s make the D.O.O.P. great again!

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh chibi Cthulhu R’lyeh waifu’nagl fhtagn baka.

We remember the Freeman. We are coterminous.

Sequel? Its very seldom I say this... but this franchise needs a reboot.

Vortigaunts witnessed you killing the floating fetus.

I, uh, reckon that all the people complaining about this would have shat their pants and be hit by the first arrow if they were that poor kid situation.

What’s this progressive agenda Hillary supports?? Want a progressive agenda, keep pushing for Bernie or vote for Jill Stein.

Want to vote for a woman that a) is not under FBI investigation, b) hasn’t flip-flopped countless times throughout her career, c) is not hawkish, d) only “evolved” on egalitarian marriage a couple years ago, e) was not a Goldwater girl, f) cares for social justice and g) is doing it for public service, not for her

Let’s see:

The Daily News interview didn’t show Bernie doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You should take a moment to read Bernie’s detailed platform, it’s not like it’s difficult to find his official website.

The NASA policy plans by all the candidates are not there because they are all self-evident.

I was one of those defending Fo3 at NMA before it came out. Then FO3 came out and, damn was I wrong to defend that thing.