
Looks like a crazy Joker groupie.

Kickstarter is not a scam, you fool.

The dude didn't seem to be an ignoramus so much as he seemed to actually be joining in on the fun by saying "I'm ethnic too"

This is what low framerates do to people.

Or you can go for the PC, a more elegant platform for a more civilized gaming experience.

Not visually distinctive?? Seriously?

Hopefully, artificial wombs will arrive less than a century after that. Old-fashioned people will obviously still be around doing things twentieth century style, but they'll be the minority.

This is why it's important to have a State that provides bridges to those who started less well-off.

"Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them." -Proverbs 13:24

If that gif was a female head being kicked by a male foot...

Whenever a "feminist" complains about the depiction of women in media, the sheer vitriol and threats of violence in the comments does nothing but confirm the feminist angle.

... damn.

So you can only play as a human. Ok, then.

I guess now I know what e-mail to "spam" next time I think I've written something worthy (and videogamey) on my kinja.

Ooo! Wonderful.

I love when people take Dawkins' comments and twist them (like it happened with the pedophilia thing, which this seems to be a weird follow-up on his part. Probably spawned from somebody's response to the pedophilia tweet). If what's here is a fair representation of what he said (context), then it's clear he's

That's disappointing. I was expecting cool shit like this:

Hey Zach!