
Very strong comment. Should be promoted to the top and referenced in the article.

Actually, the one minute is for the screen lock.. The immediate option shows up on the second row beside 'passcode lock' but his doesn't show an option which leads me to believe he edited it out? (since mine always shows the option selected beside the words 'passcode lock')

No, in fact Jesus, the only thing defeated was people who believed this video, because "automatische sperre" which is displayed on his phone when he unlocks it, translates into "automatic lock" and if you look, his lock time is set to 1 minute, meaning the 10 seconds he took afterwards to open his phone and wow the

It is not and has not been cracked,hacked or broken in anyway. The fact is, he unlocked the phone using his fingerprint, then attached the "photo" to the tip of his fingers and seconds later opened the phone. So you say, "it's done, it's hacked, omg" but what you don't realize is if you screen shot the video where it