Young people need to understand how relavent this album was then and how it is still VERY relavent. Great great taste in music man.
Young people need to understand how relavent this album was then and how it is still VERY relavent. Great great taste in music man.
Oh look, a racist on the internet. That’s rare.
“godrays” has been a term used in the graphics world for an extremely long time though.
Basic practice now. Have you never read about anything involved in say, remaking or porting a game? Until greater storage solutions became cheaper, most games didn’t have their source code archived, and not many companies saw value in keeping it.
That right there. I always ask, unless the person is passed out drooling on themselves...
That’s very true. No two kids possess the same personality, even when they’re raised under the same roof. So you can’t globalize a singular parenthood technique and pray for success. Raising your kids to become both successful and decent adults has to be one of the greatest challenges that we must face.
Well that is very reasonable. I can’t argue with any of it. In the end it all boils down to balance, doesn’t it. I mean, as a parent you must strive to teach your children everything, despite the fact that you can’t literally teach them everything. You have to be protective (because it’s your job to be), but remain…
I get where you’re going and I don’t necessarily disagree with all of it. But I do think this newfound fad of saying things are bad because they take themselves “too seriously” is just... Harmful, at best. Not only because it permeates this cultural acceptance that “Serious things are bad”, but also because it implies…
Ouch. I had heard about this a few months back but just from the Spanish translation team, which had gone on strike back in February. There was a thread on reddit started by the head of the translation team, which has sadly been partially deleted. There were some articles about it, if you feel like doing some reading: …
Gotta say, I don’t think most cosplayers do deserve to be reimbursed for their time and effort. I hate that something that started out as fans making costumes in their free time is now being turned into a showcase for professionals. It gets worse when people compare the work of someone with a full time job doing it as…
Being forced to constantly play a gender you don’t want to in video games. I can’t imagine what that is like.
So I was having issues with the floor shader for the longest time and it was bugging the SHIT outta me. I actually didn’t realize there was a sphere reflection entity above (and outside) my room, thus causing the fresnel on the floor and sheets of glass to have the weird blue glow. I fixed it for the second to last…
Nope, material shaders with specular and normal maps. ;D
It always frustrates me to know so many Americans are completely unaware of how we as a nation helped caused the clusterfuck that is Iran today. We overturned a democratically elected government to protect our (and British) oil interests, and the dictator we put into power created the environment that allowed…
This isn’t even a question. Because odds are you get a super fly turtle neck or windbreaker in return for a soda, or if the gods truly bless you, a scarf. Fashion, is the ultimate endgame in the division. Sooner you all realize this at kotaku. The better.
Awfully greedy of them, given that game development is inexpensive and can be funded through pleasant thoughts and charitable donations.
Yep a lot of people, particularly young-ish people, can't seem to reconcile the fact they are essentially the same as the horrible people they grew up learning about in grade school textbooks. They delude themselves into thinking x,y, and z is what a racist looks like while completely ignoring their own thoughts and…