
We’re comparing two large and expensive cities to one another. You can also find plenty of 1br apartments in shanghai for ¥3000 a month, studios go for ¥2000 (I don’t know where you get that a studio is over 4000 a month, do you have a source?) That leaves plenty for whatever else, and you get healthcare and transport

First off, software engineers in games don’t make 200-300k a year. They’d be lucky to break 80k at mid level especially at Blizzard. As an associate engineer there 5 years ago, I was around 65k, in Irvine, which isn’t much. From what I hear that was high for an associate(still is), moving to Tokyo and out of gaming I

Because being in a union also gives you mobility to get and find other union jobs... Why is it a bad thing to write for one place for a few years and move on?

Bwahaha. Where exactly would they setup? Columbia? EU has crazy amounts of worker protections, so does the UK as part of their laws. US corporations are some of the worst in the developed world at paying living wages.

Yep, basically. There were lots of folks who were more than willing to hop up there and “network”. It was all just trashy and gross. I worked a couple Blizzcons and attended a few when I worked there. I never went up there, I knew exactly what was going on there, lots of us did (I had an older brother I had to constant

Were you asleep at the wheel when your company responded to a major lawsuit by the state your company resides in, or did you approve those initial responses yourself?

I dunno, Cher Scarlett isn’t in any of the credits, so I have no idea what department they work or worked in. There aren’t really “senior managers” in the specific game development space, there are senior designers, senior engineers, senior producers, etc. “Senior managers” mostly existed in the QA and GM space, and

Not if one man doesn’t want it...

It’s not like this is a bunch of 30 year olds doing this. This culture at Blizzard was more in the QA, GM scene where quite a few folks went to work straight out of high-school, so we’re talking 18-21 year olds. Not that it in anyway makes it okay, but that’s what we’re dealing with here.

Valve’s history of “working on things” is 100% not confidence inspiring.

If your monitor is only capable of 60hz, you’re not ever going to see more than 60fps as the monitor can only draw at 60 frames per second (basically).

In a company with thousands of employees, sometimes cries just don’t reach the top. There are so many layers you’d have to get to before people at the top can hear you.

Yes this was all happening AT *Blizzard*, long before the merger. Afrasiabi was always a POS and scamming on women at company parties (especially the Vegas launch parties). There was always a boys club mentality, and there was always marginalizing of women. Even in my late stages of working there it wasn’t uncommon

Can we just respects people’s accomplishments separate from their personalities and actions?

I worked at Blizzard when that dude was around, fuck him, full stop. There were quite a few people at that company that would prey on GM and QA people’s ambitions to be absolute pieces of shit. There was one guy Hutchins and his wife who used to swing, and used their position to proposition women and men, they were

Oh god, you said paperclips... I’m having a crisis, those smooth lines, nothing should be that smooth... hnnn

IP isn’t perfect and you can spoof IPs and use VPNs that ban the whole VPN. So IP isn’t really an option.

If their operating costs exceed 10k/day, then they’re doing something very wrong.

That’s why you see so many indies there.

What’s really dumb is that by making DRM detract from the experience via performance degradation they are setting up actual legal grounds for a customer to remove it.