I don’t know why the channel thing wasn’t the first and only solution. Wifi is not a monolith on one channel. Smart people already thought about interference.
I don’t know why the channel thing wasn’t the first and only solution. Wifi is not a monolith on one channel. Smart people already thought about interference.
This is completely different, you flush the toilet as to not stain the bowl. You’re talking about a 30min to an hour cleaning job compared to 5 extra minutes to pick up a towel.
No the textures are clearly less detailed..
Officially no not currently, but really DF has had graphics mods for over a decade.
Buying it ASAP. Had too much fun with friends and just crazy discussions around this game.
Why are they a silly metric? Are you confusing it with IQ tests or something? SATs test your ability to apply the knowledge you learned. They are not perfect sure, but SAT and ACTs are both predictable tests that can be studied for. Do normal people use the scores incorrectly to determine someones worth IN LIFE? Yes…
The only reason she’s even under any fire whatsoever for her tweets is because she’s a Muslima. Full stop.
Can you? Because, you seem to be injecting other unnecessary variables into the equation. I’m acutely aware of the tensions between Jewish people and Muslim people, that has nothing to do with analyzing her tweets and speeches. Thus why my statement that her attire has nothing to do with the discussion I’m having is…
No, singled out, that would not be enough at all, but parroting nearly all of them through several speeches? A coincidence? It’s possible, but doubtful. Why would her hijab have anything to do with it?
I don’t know if it’s totally ridiculous. The dedicated upstream and downstream at 10gbps in the 2x2 is REALLY useful for external GPUs and laptop docks, which are really hamstrung by not having a fast enough USB standard currently.
Maybe this would be applicable if the mechanic and concept of delivering something to the mobile spawn point to spawn a specific person was what PS did, but that’s not the case. Mobile spawn points in PS were just mobile spawn points, not where you could use an item to revive a specific comrade.
Yes but when he bought it it was a legal purchase, no one went to his house to confiscate his weapons, because... you know.
What about scrubs?
Your statement is full of shit, some of my old co-workers working on the actual games lost their jobs.
Revelations isn’t really biblical canon though, similar to the bible according to John, it was written hundreds of years after the death of Christ and the rise of the different sects of Christianity. It’s not even written in the same style for the time. Theists and biblical scholars find Revelations hoaky and fear…
They don’t want you.
State labor laws and labor boards have nothing to do with the current administration.
Something I’ve always found interesting is how Japanese companies have their union set-up.
I mean don’t get me wrong. I don’t give a rats ass about the politics, I ONLY care about the workers, and I would rather them get things fixed in the next 6 months or so, not dick around paying a union, setting up union contracts, then getting the union to setup contracts with Elon, then if he doesn’t do that the…