I smell some pedantic bullshit.
Read the source, study, and cite before coming to a conclusion of your own, forming an opinion, or believing what you’re told. Class dismissed.
Maybe you should read before you knee jerk react and comment? That’s how most of the uninformed garbage on the internet starts. Investing 5 minutes of your time, before railing in the comments and making yourself look like a stupid brat, is 5 minutes well spent.
How did MOH:AA not make this list?
I just can’t take that shit seriously. Not to mention it comes from like one dudes report. Especially after all the overhauling to get more foreigners into Japan like HSP visas and new 5-year visas. Building up federally funded daycare so more women can work, etc. There is even a push to get English teachers hired…
I can tell you from both articles, interviews, the games designs, and talking with some of these people that all three of those games you listed during development the devs were not aware of their female audiences. In fact both Pokemon and Minecraft started out without female protagonists all together, and there was…
This is a dumb response, they don’t care about it not being release or late per-say. They care about communication. Telling people “in a bit” is not acceptable practice.
I think we learned about copywrite in High-School when writing papers. “Dont copy other peoples work.” Does that ring a bell? It doesn’t just apply to text and never has, it’s why you HAD to have a work cited page especially if you used images in your reports.
How is this shady, just update your stupid computer, how hard is it really? If you have a file that’s missing don’t be like other idiots who cry about it, and just go into your windows.old folder and get it. The experience of upgrading is fine as well, you just click that one button and update it took me an hour to…
It can’t.
Sony is the worst at this bullshit, they used the name as a key for the account basically instead of having an accountID number underlying the system like every other sensible company in the world. Not only does doing these string lookups suck for performance but you get stupid crap like this.
This weird API conversation is stupid. Anyway each account that registers as a developer gets an API key and has to register their domain, Valve is fully able to block API Keys without modifying anything, they already do. It’s also not part of their steam API terms of use to use the API for monetary gain.
Does the new architecture have better battery performance? I think the old i5s were pretty good on power consumption.
Does the new architecture have better battery performance? I think the old i5s were pretty good on power consumption.
Sorry its “Karaoke” not “Kareoke”
I don’t think it’s hating to say that it’s and uninteresting photo. It’s not a good composition either, and the effect was added afterwards, which has drowned out a lot of the contrast in the photo.
Maybe people should just do their own oil service. It’s easy, cheaper, and you get the oil you want.
I mean I’ve read the Bible, I know of it’s history. I think like most things people don’t actually research what they believe. I don’t think I’ve ever actually read anything in the Bible that states that the Bible is all gods word, it’s not, I don’t know when that started. There is the Gospel According to John, where…