It's kind of disturbing date-rape is what your mind jumped too. I did not get that impression at all.

When will you be looking at more commenters to approve? I've been a dedicated member of the site (as have many others) but have never been approved despite many upvotes and all the like. I think if you switch back to this system, you have to start actively looking for new commenters to star or you have to REGULARLY

Seems legit. Safety first.

Too bad for Terry that photoshop doesn't have a "remove rape" tool.

Let me spell it out for you. He drove his fucking monster truck over a car with a person in it. That shit is not ok under principle alone.


One day, somebody will stop and say, "Hey guys, let's get on a couple of buses and go fuck up the other team's campus instead!"

...the girl was then called for an offensive foul.

Maybe if he spent less time complaining about Uber, he would be able to learn to not shoot like a nine year old girl.

+0.3 fantasy points.

Figures Rice couldn't manage more than 3 yards on this carry

It's still a more functional Left Eye than Lisa Lopes.

I think it's more like "all jobs contain a certain amount of shittiness, therefore if you're going to complain about the shittiness of a particular job, it should a job that people take out of desperation to feed their families, not a job held by people who could easily fix the problem by walking away such as, for

I bet you've never, ever, done anything stupid or offensive in your entire life.

9.7 seconds. I clocked that cartoon bear penis on the air for 9.7 seconds. I checked four times because I was sure I was doing it wrong, but within a tenth each time, there it is. For most packages (groan) that's enough time for three different b-roll shots. Not here, friends. We want nearly 10 seconds of graphic

Well if someone in DC hit their target you can rule out RG3 as a suspect.

Yeah the opening didn't really make me sympathetic. Especially when he tried to drop it and she got all confrontational like WAT DID U SAY? None of her replies make sense to me. Sounds like she was just in a piss poor mood and I kinda feel bad for the guy who had to deal with her obnoxious attitude.

Good thing people can't get cable in repurposed refrigerator boxes or else somebody might have seen this.