I touched on that aspect in a reply to another comment. Some contracts will include a two week notice. If you sign a contract with such a clause, you are obligated to do so. This detail matters if you plan on collecting unemployment, considering gov't benefits is determined based on who was the one that officially

You'll be amazed at how quickly people forget about stuff they saw on the Internet. One year from now (probably sooner) her name and face won't ring any bells.

I never said she wasn't awesome for sticking up for what she believes in, but there are better ways to do it, in my opinion.

In this hypothetical contract, yes. She can tell people she quit, but if she uses the company as a reference in the future, they can say she didn't quit and that she was fired. It's all word play with legally binding definitions vs the spirit of the "resignation."

She probably signed a contract requiring that she gives the company two weeks notice. If she just gets up and leaves, they can "terminate" her for either what she did or for breach of contract.

Your last point (time frame for that BAC) is valid. However, witnesses to the wreck can only prove she committed the crime of smashing into things, but that's about it without her BAC taken at the scene.

This is guy is not fucking around.

Your last point (time of response) is key.

I noticed that. If the police didn't stop her in the car, it would take the most incompetent lawyer to not get her off on that charge. Logically, she was definitely drinking and driving, but according to the letter of the law, the police had to bite the bullet on that one.

There was, of course, no "joke" in Gervais's original tweet, and he knows that.

Because Ray Rice was white...

I just finished reading the report. Essentially, it's a bunch "e-cigs will PROBABLY do this, but there's not enough evidence yet." Sorry, but you can't pass legislation on a feeling. Correction: you SHOULDN'T pass legislation on a feeling.

Spirit of the law versus letter of the law. I think this cop is embracing the spirit of the law, which is extremely rare.

That post gets a trophy.

Was also going to state a similar argument. Gawker writing about this shortly after the John Oliver video and the attack on them that ensued reeks of "Damage Control" mode. They did a similar thing when being accused of yellow journalism...pretty sure they wrote a huge article about the historical significance of

Or a way to easily fund low-income school districts' music programs, much like the cheap, yet functional laptops that are shipped to third world countries. Lot of practical uses here.

The answer to the second question in the headline should always be "I was being a dick."

Another alto sax player with similar background checking in. Obviously, it won't come close to the sound of a "real" sax, but it exceeded my expectations. With the right tweeks, mouthpiece/reed and player, it could be good enough for at least high school-level playing.

Anthony Cumia makes anger-fueled tweets (no physical contact), fired. Rice literally beats a women unconscious, two-game suspension. Yeah, clearly a problem here.

This is the greatest sports article I have read in quite some time. *slow starts dramatic clap scene*