
Washing/drying motor oil-soaked clothes when everything around you is white. Bold move, sir. Bold move.

Just wait until Hawaii dumps their rental fleet.

Kudos to the guy for realizing that he was filming with the wrong orientation.

Sadly, that’s an orca. Not as cool as a Yeti.

Snuggie is the new Business Formal.


That motormax one is awesome! What do you want for it?

It’s what my desk has been missing. Do you know of one?

Hold on! I need to ask that man if he’s got a 1999-2004 Land Rover Discovery and if so, where the hell did he find it.

Yes, if you’re being punctilious.

That’s Ferrari’s rule regarding their “Client-Test Program”. You can buy the car but you can’t take it home. This article mentions a little about it.

Swore that was Al Pacino for a second.

How long until we see this in Austin?

This is the same expression for every TSA ID-checker I’ve ever encountered.

Gore. Geous.

“Hey! Yellow shirt girl! You want to sit next me? I got money in the clutch...”

Steph, the driving gloves are supposed to go on your hands...

“Is that a banana in your pocket or did your 2CV just break down?”


“Wait, are you under duress?! If you are, key your handset twice!”