
Does the Avalon rule so hard, motherfuckers want to fine you?

He hazez it. The Preshuz!

...which is an online community for people who turn their heads when a Saab 9-4X passes by.

Dammit Chief, give me another chance!! I’m this close to blowin’ this case WIDE OPEN!

Damnit Coolant, you’re muckin’ up the works! The Mayor’s gonna have my ass for this one!

Is that your Jeep/Land Cruiser/Range Rover?

Or the bus. Nothing’s worse than public transportation.

Chrome tape. It doesn’t make your car more classy.

City-Car-Music, Hand = Detroit, Michigan.

Ah, I see. Beautiful.

I hoped for so much more than a re-badged Chrysler... *sobbing*


Looks like Powzer favors his right hand during his “alone time”.

Why is his neck nearly as big as his martian-like head?

Keep doin’ what’chya doin’.

Good Googly Moogly.

It would be awesome to see the data being uploaded if the Rover was on a pretty rugged trail but oh wait...

Slap an eagle on the sidepods and you’ve got it.

I hope it’s not like the DHL Indycar. That’s just too much PMY.

Nailed it. I hope they don’t keep the color scheme of their show car. We need some color on the grid.