
Hey, 1999 still counts.

A good, rich, deep brown color. Ford did a great job with their "Kodiak Brown". Would love to see it on something other than a truck one day.

Now playing

Well to be fair, Rick was jammin' some E-40 before the iceberg collapsed...

Quick! Move the Bentley before it gets the poor on it!!

What part do they not understand about that?!

Too bad it's only got a range of about 1,000 nautical miles. You'll have to island-hop to get back...

Nah, born and raised in the good ol' US of A. I just don't see the whole autonomous car idea working within the next couple years. Maybe in my lifetime, but I kinda doubt it.

Gotcha. So these autonomous cars are privately-owned? What could stop someone from hot-rodding one and reprogramming it to speed?

I have once, but it was easy to get a taxi at my destination to where I needed to go.

Self-Driving Cars. They're called "trains".

I can only hope that it hadn't just fallen out from under the dash whenever you opened the door haha

Who, that little guy? I wouldn't worry about that little guy...

Well, I guess Cars.com's retargeting works. Although when it happens to me, it's only taunting me with cars that I'll never afford.

Yep, it's pretty nice too. I've heard of the one in Utah. Guess I'll have to head up there and try it out.

There's always something cool happening just to their right.

"I'm so ronery. So ronery. So tiyud of being arone..."

Beautiful, thank ya kindly.

I've seen this shot so many times but could never find it. Where in Colorado is this? Alpine Loop?

Doug, you're an ass hole and a pussy, which makes you an entirely overrated, under appreciative, and clueless fucked up individual; why would you compare a 1994 Ferrari Mondena to a 2014 volkswagen? How does a fucking 1994 porsche-volkswagen hold up to a 1994 Ferrari?, because, that's more of a fairer comparison, but

Be honest, how many lobsters did you grab once you heard the crash?