
Yeehaw Texas

They must get all the good dope out in California.

How do I order the Fiat 500 Watersports Edition?


It might've been difficult for him to get in/out of an Avenger due to his Parkinson's. Sitting down in a helicopter and falling out of a big open door would be easier for him than climbing up and sliding down into a small cockpit.

Totally forgot about these guys. Now regretfully reminded they're still active.

YouTube's captioning system truly catches the underlying tone of Cube ownership. #ReliablePartnerBrian

I could see it being somewhat difficult to repair the gaping hole in its Hindquarter.

You sure it wasn't a cleverly-disguised porno shoot?

Their fleet is seriously missing the industry-standard "cop steelies".

Completely agree. While the "Tiptronic" transmission was for Audi/Porsche/VW, Jaguar had the best name for their manumatic: "Mechatronic".

Its a very specific wave, and it is only taught to Jeep owners, it's like a secret handshake. When you buy a Jeep, you are taught it, if you sell your Jeep and have no more Jeeps, your mind is erased of the secret wave MIB style. In all seriousness, just a wave, but its a wave that has been happening for generations

If this ever comes to fruition, I give it 3 months before someone hacks it and draws a penis down some major highway.

And I can never look at this car again without hearing it in my head.

The tail light just peeking out from the camo gives it away I think.

Well, if you don't want to believe that in five years they couldn't sell a few hundred cars at a price above the recycle rate then I can't help you, because you must be so paranoid you think that Fudgie The Whale is the secret symbol of the illuminati.

Sell them to me! SELL ME YOUR CHILDREN!

Except for maybe a Calvin peeing on a picture of Calvin peeing. That might open up a wormhole or something.

"Mom is outside a lot, usually bent over a bush or on her knees."

Why so sad, front end?