These days, people think of Naughty Dog as the company behind the Uncharted series, but it didn’t start that way.…
These days, people think of Naughty Dog as the company behind the Uncharted series, but it didn’t start that way.…
Far Cry Primal is frequently violent and occasionally, unexpectedly sweet. The caveman action game is an excellent…
No dummy, it’s residual radioactive material that condenses in the atmosphere after a nuclear detonation.
it’s COD. what did you expect? still, it’s nice to be able to see them stealing NICE things instead of bad ones. quite refreshing change of pace.
Guess whose house will be cleaning up broken glass and gumballs.
Fallout 4’s concept art looks hot. Take a peek at some of the stuff you’ll see in the official Fallout 4 art book here.
The dude playing The Dude is killing it. Walter is not quite as convincing but its still really good.
Don’t agree? Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.
Play gwent as much as possible since you’ll run into side quests that way. Also, if you didn’t the first time around, make it a priority to get at least the cat school witcher gear. It makes the enemies more manageable, especially if you go after the cat school techniques. Other than that, just feel free to do things…
This is, hands down, my game of the year. I’m currently on my fourth playthrough after two failed attempts to get The Phantom Pain started. Fourth time through, and I’m still finding new stuff. I didn’t even realize until my third playthrough that your controller vibrates ever so slightly when Geralt is near something…
Honestly, I couldn’t disagree more. Which predecessors are you referring to?
Empty? You can’t be serious. It was far more dense than most games, and far more dense than a real such location would be. What are you looking for? Quest-givers ever ten feet? Now that would pull me right out of the game.
Is this guy wearing sunglasses indoors standing in front of a flat screen TV playing an actual Flo-Rida music video? So much douche bag going on in this article I can’t take it.
You may have seen the news today that The Witcher 3 has sold well over 6 million copies. Impressive! We don’t…
I hope you’ll forgive the self-indulgence, but this week marks my 10 year anniversary as a video game journalist,…
that.. that’s not a baby! you YOU LIAR
If those songs are in the ingame radio, it could very well be one of the best soundtracks ever, especially seeing how music around that year was fantastic. It could be right up there with GTA: Vice City’s soundtrack.
The fact that they are moving from the traditional mafia we’ve grown accustomed to and exploring the other mafia groups makes this title more refreshing and less of a retread. I would think people would be happy to stray away from the traditional Italian mafia and it’s overused stereotypes.
I love the vintage cars in these games, I had completely forgotten about this series. And in ‘68?! Sweet... can’t wait for the vehicle list. Excited to say the least
They did a good job on that.