Niko twists Neko

Eh. In my mind I keep comparing it to other open world RPGs on consoles, like Skyrim and Oblivion, and the performance isn’t bad compared to them. Especially considering we don’t have load screens in and out of buildings and towns, and the dynamic weather... but the stuttering does marr the overall experience. I just

This is the Witcher based on the Book the Witcher, based on the Character Geralt in The Witcher, if you weren’t playing as Geralt, then it wouldn’t have been called The Witcher.

Thanks Don Lemon. For showing the world time and time again just how much of a spineless piece of shit you are.

Except in a Bethesda game you play a generic character and in Witcher 3 you play a specific character so it isn't really the same thing. If you don't want to play that character than go play something else. Most games give you a set character to play, that is pretty normal. Don't like the character? Oh well, the game

why do you care?! Just don't play them. There is enough casual stuff left for you.

I've tried to watch Markiplier's videos and I can't stand his commentary. I feel bad because he seems like a chill guy in person, but I have a problem with people who break the atmosphere by Randy Newman'ing the whole time. This goes for other lets players too.

What's appealing about over exaggerated reactions combined with Dane Cook shouting?

you should read the in game journal that's constantly being updated throughout the game. It explains a lot. You got to cmmit to this game, once you understand what's going on, it's far more intriguing.

Because the pirate news station of a city in complete apocalypse mode would be all about high production values...

The difference is that technically I played Blops multiplayer once at a friend's house for about 15 minutes.

So fucking generic. zzzz. next..

I couldn't tell that it wasn't in English

You know what really irritated me the most about this? Burbank is a reporter on Television, which is ALSO something people waste their lives watching. I just pictured someone watching his report and going "My God, he's right!" and turning off their TV and going outside. Does he not realize many people also escape

I can dream

At 43, the one perfect actor for Drake is already too old for the part:

One of the few shows I've watched where I tell myself I need to go to bed, but let's watch just one more episode... and then countless episodes later, the sun rises and the birds are tweeting and I go, darn, so much for sleep.