Why would anyone preorder a game whose creator has a reputation for releasing stuff that doesn’t get good until years later?
Why would anyone preorder a game whose creator has a reputation for releasing stuff that doesn’t get good until years later?
This is actually the best argument in the capitalist society we live in. Vote with tie wallet, gather others that will do the same , send a message to the company.
What argument are you looking for exactly? I’m confused. This game is online only, they do that for things like progression tracking and achievements, and for people who are using things like net-cafes which is a huge amount of people all over apac and europe.
Man, you’ve really drunk the coolaid on this one haven’t you?
You’re still stuck on the launch performance. D3 improved dramatically over the years. As for “character customization”, Diablo 2 didn’t have this either, so I don’t know what version of the game you were playing.
Damn right I’m still beating this drum. Why aren’t you?
D3 was not in a great state at launch but it took considerable strides forward. You may not have liked it, but it definitely is not a bad game in its current state.
You can just not buy this game if you really want to send Blizzard a message.
Sounds interesting. As long as the PVP is purely optional I don’t really mind it being a thing. It wasn’t to my taste but there were people who liked PVP in D2 that might be happy to see it again (if it’s done right anyway).
I’m also pretty sure with that class lineup that Amazons are coming back too unless the game…
I feel like Diablo 3s art style is also directly related to blizzard wanting their games at the time to be able to run on any rig even low low spec systems. Seems they may be getting away from that. Which I am totally fine with as a lot of games push systems to their limits now.
The prospective schools are BYU and Utah State
Must be visiting BYU
Or get rid of the last name altogether, and only call him “Doctor,” as if you were a drunk patient showing up in his ER at 3 AM and couldn’t be bothered to learn his name.
Hah, I worked there too but in the Rock Shop in Wayne’s World. Spent all day in the AC and rest of the park staff hated us since we got to wear jorts and those WW Tour Staff t-shirts. Ah, good memories.
I would have gone a slightly different route. I’d agree to call him “doctor” but I’d tell him that his real last name will never, ever be used. He’d have to basically choose between maintaining our previous arrangement or constantly being referred to as “Dr. Feelgood,” “Dr. Nick Riviera,” “Dr. Demento,” “Dr. Mengele,” …
I’m an adult I should be able to call him Bob (or Dickhead) if I want. Do you agree?
While working the roller coaster seems like a fun summer job, back in the day when I worked at Paramount’s Kings Dominion, the rides people were ALSO tasked with cleaning the bathrooms, and if you’ve ever been in an amusement park bathroom near a roller coaster, it can be unpleasant.
Best minimum wage job?
Jesus fuck I was not prepared. I thought I was.. but I was not.