
The BarBerCut Lite game is certainly winnable. A prize that is worth like 200 bucks will need like 500 bucks spent before it is time to win the thing. 

Good compared to what? The characters are all flat, dumb, and boring. The story and plot while rich with endless possibilities is watered down to the tired and true ‘rag tag group of kids thrown together to save the world’ only unlike Avatar there’s zero chemistry between any in this ground. None. The dialog alone was

Gameboy DS”

Azymandias is so wonderfully cute and I want plushies and more him less Bait.

I’ll chime in because it doesn’t get mentioned enough that the creators of Avatar had a very strong writing team, which definitely helped the show’s quality.

I have yet to see a series done in this manner that hasn’t felt outright “off” in some way. Usually in a way that I can’t pinpoint, but is immediately noticeable. This is kind of an emerging technology and technique though, right, like... just in the last decade? I’m sure it’ll improve.

I really hate the trend of simulating 2D with 3D. I wouldn't even mind it so much if they just kept it the full 24-30-whatever frames, but the frame skipping genuinely makes me sick. I'm not being dramatic, I have an adverse reaction when I each this sort of thing for any extended period of time, which is pretty

Probably because people like me, who aren’t jacking off to every Batman/Joker comic ever made, will go and watch a movie with Joaquin Phoenix because he’s really damn good in just about everything.

After this, Andy Richter’s take on the origins of Tombstone.

I bring this very thing up at the store I run. It’s quite odd that so many parents are totally fine with their kids to extremely violent things in games or witnessing them, like in Wolfenstein, but immediately reject any games with some sexual content. I have had parents not buy Far Cry 5 for their son,

So Jeff suggests NessxPaula but then Paula says “But I’m in love with you Jeff” and then we fast forward to Jeff’s future where he and Poo are married with numerous children.

In other news, ten games where you can shoot people in the head were released yesterday in almost all regions.

Jesus, we live in a Twilight Zone episode.
“The World of Backwards Censorship.”

Some of them have nice or funny stories. Good characters and whatnot.

It’s weird to think that, when Spider-Man came out just a week ago, Gamers decried its exclusivity.

Police are an unimpeachable group in Spider-Man. They show no real flaws and make no mistakes.

My solution to reconciling all of this was to just treat it as another fantastical element of the setting. If I can buy that a guy can run on walls then I guess I can buy a world where the police deserve the level of trust the game gives them.

I’m not saying the entire crux of the article is wrong, but to say that cops are unimpeachable and make no mistakes is incongruous with the first mission of the game, where a group of corrupt officer attack Spider-Man.

Spider-Man’s portrayal of policing feels divorced from reality

Yup, that “new” definition is a very dangerous thing and is being used to try to wage “guilt free” sexism, racism, or whatever. Thing is, it only perpetuates it. Saying “X group can’t be y-ist!” is enabling bad behavior and ensuring continued conflict.

“‘sexism against men’ makes no sense,” and spelling out why sexism is defined by discrimination against a marginalized gender