Pokemon does what you are saying is too hard to do with every set they release FYI.
Pokemon does what you are saying is too hard to do with every set they release FYI.
If you haven’t played Magic before, you’re thinking I’m exaggerating. I am not. Sets frequently contain 300+ cards to collect, and literally a handful of new cards from each set see competitive play in recent years, along with whatever version of the common/uncommon staples they’re allowing in Standard format at that…
No, that is still far too expensive for a sets that are frequently 300+ cards each with the majority being garbage, where you have no option to choose until you’ve already bought a ton and there’s no way to trade or cash out of the game. The way Magic sets are designed and the amount of cards allowed to be played…
Booster packs are not the same thing as loot boxes. You can trade and sell phyical items on your own with out a third party. Loot boxes are a digital license, which odds can be manipulated at any time. This price system is terrible compared to Pokemon TCG, which is FTP, has a trade system and the physical booster…
they dont have to worry people will hack your account to steal rares, that’s a ton of money saved in investigating and dealing with a black market
That is what I was hoping to see confirmed when I opened this story, and instead it looks like they’re making a Duels/Hearthstone hybrid with very little confirmed about pricing at the moment. As it stands, unless there are pack codes on physical product, I don’t see myself touching this. The price per pack would have…
I imagine the issue would be that allowing trading incentivizes grinding for profit, not for play. How many times would you be willing to be matched against bot accounts that are just grinding out matches to buy cards to ‘trade’ (read: sell) to other players before you check out?
I really hope that they will include codes on IRL booster packs that allow you to unlock free packs in game, just like Pokemon does. Otherwise I can’t see myself playing too much of the game since I still enjoy buying booster packs and don’t want to double dip.
I think not having to worry about a secondary market is a valid reason, and can indeed create a better experience if you don’t have to worry about card value when you’re drafting for keeps.
Screw the rules, he has money!
You know ripping the 4th blue-eyes in half may have been the least Kaiba thing he ever did, considering he just kept the other 3.
Buys card. Rips it to shreds. “Now no one can use it against me! Bwahahahaha!”
This is objectively true.
No worst part is that she is still his girlfriend and not his wife. Any women willing to clean out your shit and vomit from your car is marriage material.
Worst part is letting his girlfriend clean out the car, own your shame like a man. There’s a reason I washed my own socks in high school.
Before I even knew level scaling was a thing, I wanted an XP slider in WoW. It seemed like a pretty feasible solution. Going to fast? Cut XP down to 50% so things don’t get boring. They eventually implemented an option to turn it off completely, via a hidden NPC and with a gold price.
It’ s not just the videos. Load the site without an adblocker and it’s fucking horrendous. The normal empty whiteness is encased in shit. My blocker is currently showing 31 blocked ads.
And guess who helped write the jokey copy for the pop-up asking you to turn off your ad blocker on this very site? That was me. Don’t turn that shit back on. We need the money to replace Marchman.
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