
After Last Jedi i see her less as a Mary Sue and more as an ascended fangirl, which i think makes her a pretty good character. She has Mary Sue traits in the same way Luke and Anakin were, that’s for sure (though more Anakin than Luke), but now that she’s screwed up enough (failed her training with Luke/failed to

Simply not true by ANY stretch of the imagination. I got sucked in here from Deadspin. Fuck Gawker media and their bullshit pull from one site we own to the other. If I wanted to come to the AV Club and hear whining over some asshole on Reddit I would have typed it into my URL.

No money in that, apparently. Oh well - fake outrage it is!

And she was a cheap, unfair stereotype of women drivers.

Well despite the gawkerverse protestations and complaints about reddit they do tend to get a fair amount of content from there.

I also live in Japan and saw this movie three times, twice with a packed house. I didn’t hear (or hear of) anything like what you’re describing. Maybe you live in a really weird neighborhood?

We are all commenting on it, so that’s why. Clicks.

You’re absolutely correct. “Everyone who didn’t like TLJ is a misogynist/racist manbaby who hates change” seems to be the prevailing narrative, despite the fact that the vast majority of criticism is about neither of those things.

Poe should have died on salt!hoth. He doesn’t deserve a sendoff that momentous. His arc should have come from realizing that his stupid cowboy shit has no place in a war and he should have sent his speeder to crash into the death star gun (also, again with the fucking death star guns? How many superweapons does the

But then I couldn’t make this snarky comment. I made the right choice. 

Thank you for bringing to my attention this shitty thing I would’ve otherwise easily avoided! Although- bear with me here- have you ever considered doing the opposite of that, and maybe turning back into a competent pop culture site that points out things that are actually worth watching, rather than just continuing

Who cares? Why did you publicize this?

I’ve definitely seen them, but yeah I do think they’re really just an amplified minority. Speaking as someone who loved the movie actually, most of the people I’ve seen criticizing it don’t fall into that category. It seems to just be a thing that sites like this get good clickbait out of, which in itself just serves

4Alternate headline - Some Random Asshole Makes Something Dumb as Hell with Minimal Effort and the AV Club Makes His Dream Come True by Posting it as News.

Congratulations, Sam, you made this dickbag’s year.

To be fair, as much as I like Laura Dern her entire plot is one of the worst parts of the movie, other than her last scene. She’s so bad at communicating that she had a mutiny, it was aggravating.

I’d like to think that the suckiness of Jar Jar is universally understood somehow. Maybe that’s how we heal this split country: our hatred of Jar Jar.

Remember when we could just agree that Han shot first? What the hell happened since then?

I usually find plenty of reasons for websites to cover lots of different things. But even I really don’t think this was news of any kind and it didn’t deserve to be covered in even one post. This kind of bullshit deserves to be ignored.

a lot of people hated the movie for a much simpler reason: It had too many competent women in positions of power

Thank you for keeping tabs on what “some creep” is doing. I know we were all wondering but not all of us have the time to follow “some creep” and report on all of his important work.