The shaming comment was a bit of a joke, but if I read a headline that says “Anime Porn” then I demand there be actual anime porn involved, not a rather tame dating sim by most standards.
The shaming comment was a bit of a joke, but if I read a headline that says “Anime Porn” then I demand there be actual anime porn involved, not a rather tame dating sim by most standards.
It was literally clickbait. If I read “Anime Porn” in the headline, I demand actual porn, dammit!
Porn in the Playboy? That’s news. All I saw was pictures of naked people and boring articles.
Yeah I said the same thing, and a bunch of butthurt people commented on my post here about it. Its not anime, its not porn, its a lewd visual novel and the censored version to boot. Witcher 3 shows more sex and nudity than nekopara steam versions. The nipples are even censored, you could show that image on tv.
The title says he was streaming anime porn, Thats not missing the point, the title literally says he was streaming anime porn and he wasnt. He was streaming nekopara, which is not anime, its a visual novel game.
Everything in life is inane at the end of the day.
>Bible Black
There are a lot more graphic games on Steam than Nekopara. Might I suggest Negligee?
There’s an ocean of difference between these two things. Especially if the Nekopara version he was playing was the Steam version. And are you shaming the people that enjoy visual novels? Was that casual “(and fucking)“ really necessary? It’s heavily implied by the genre. After all, any reasonable adult knows that…
I have played with Daniel on multiple occasions and we might even have met before.
Besides being one of those guys who doesn’t know how to handle the presence of the opposite sex, I can fully and unremorsefully confirm that this dude is as much of a fucking douchebag as those clips make him sound like.
If you don’t…
Thats the censored steam version. It doesnt even show any nudity you dumbfucks >.>
Whoa, we decided we’re allowed to call “Japanese adult video game novels” porn, now?
Regarding the first image:
And more than a few of us already own a 3DS and would like more games for it rather than buying a whole new system.
Totally agree on Trails in the Sky: Evolution. I couldn’t believe how much worse the art looks when I saw it. It made me glad that we didn’t get the updated versions of the games, honestly.
Okay, fellow JRPG fans, we need to have a talk. There is something I am just not liking at all about these “remasters” that are happening lately. Namely, the alteration of original character art for very bland, generic styles. They did this with Trails in the Sky (Evolution), and now I see them doing it with…
Or proven wrong before that, since Nintendo’s had a slate of upcoming 3DS games for a while now, like Lady Layton, Ever Oasis, Monster Hunter Stories... Snack World if they decide to localize it...
Great to have these on a system with extra portable conveniences, such as a battery that will last for your long trips and a more pocket friendly form factor