
Can I make an observation and ask an honest question?

And how am I supposed to take anything you just stated as meaningful if all it is is generalizations? That's the problem to anyone in the middle of this...both sides are just generalizing.

It's an attempt to frame the entire article and Christina Sommers in a certain light. It's trying to get everyone to form an opinion of what she says before reading what she says.

She's making one facet of a point I've been trying to get across concerning the whole 'feminist' movement in general, really. It's not one of the better points, I'll admit, but it's a point - she's basically saying, "girls aren't the target and this is what boys like", which isn't strictly a bad thing in and of itself

The threats didn't come from people who disagree with feminist views. It came from a 3rd party that intends to make this into a shit storm. There's already some proof floating out there right now.

"Everyone at some point has shit talk or "harassed" another person online, but I doubt 90% of them would actually conduct themselves like that in public."

I'm pretty sure that's just some peoples rationalization to excuse their own behavior.

When she mentions the difference between hardcore and casual, what she's arguing is the people that buy certain kinds of products.

People act like shitlords online in everything. Seriously, online interaction through any source is awful.

The unnecessary application of "conservative"—as if it has some bearing on the validity of her claims—bothered me immensely too.

Glad you prefaced this with "conservative", just like Polygon did. Nice attempt to shape the narrative right off the bat, especially considering folks reading this site are more likely to be socially liberal and therefor have a huge set of preconceived notions about her from the conservative label. Especially

I'm not a progressive by any stretch of the imagination, but I think I love you for this post. Thank you.

I would like to know why it is relevant if she is conservative? Do you put liberal critic in your headlines?

As a passionate progressive, I feels odd saying this, but this conservative lady makes some potentially valid points. I'm no fan of misogyny, but I am no fan of Sarkeesian either.

Lol as opposed to the clictavists being informed by a "gamer" who doesn't even like games and plays them wrong intentionally to misinform the audience, whose basic retort to the encouragement of women forming their own gaming studios to make games they would like to play is "That's misogynistic".

She's not a conservative. Saw a tweet of hers show up in my twitter feed earlier today that linked to a video where she talked about this. She seems like a pretty reasonable person, based on some other videos of hers some friends linked to me. Oh, and apparently that article of hers is also a book.

Nope, not even going to give my opinion on this subject, I have in the past and tried to be fair to both arguments( and have been a bit of a moron in some of my opinions) but I always get hate comments flooding my inbox no matter what I say, I just don't care at this point, I just want to play Video games

To be fair she is one of the few people that give real facts and research since this whole thing started.

The factual feminist. She is so fucking awesome. Shes an actual feminist that looks at these "issues" logically and points out the main reasons 3rd and 4th wave feminists are laughed at. She realizes that the sexes are NOT equal. There is physiological and psychological differences in men and women and we are NOT

This is why I am getting to the point of not reading kotaku articles anymore. Why do you label her a conservative, when she labels and represents herself as a feminist? But Anita gets labeled as a feminist almost every time she is mentioned here.