That is a great way to start a discussion on a topic. "Anyone who disagrees with me is part of the problem, and shouldn't be included in this discussion." and "I already know what the people who disagree with me think, so they don't need to be a part of the discussion. I only need to hear the people who agree with me."
Actually these are all wrong. Zangief wins every tournament. Ever. Little known fact. Mortal Kombat? Zangief came and piledrivered Liu Kang. King of fighters? Sooooo many piledrivers. Virtua Fighter? The reason there isn't a new one coming is that the cast is all dead... piledrivers. The Kazama's and…
Yeah, the only people who should comment on this are the ones who agree with it. Fuck those bastards who dare hold dissenting views, amirite?
The Guilty Gear franchise is similar to The King of Fighters in that there are multiple stories going on, but it's clear that one is more significant than the others. When there is a conflict of canon, subsequent games generally treat the counter-intuitively named protagonist as the victorious party.
Congrats you've succeeded in attacking another persons character when their point still holds water.
So let me get this straight... your belittling one tragedy which has also been happening since the dawn of time because they haven't accumulated enough tragedy points in your mind?
I better start working on demonizing myself then because I'm pretty sure my caucasian ancestry was pretty unfair to my african ancestry.
The dragon age scene, having played as a female city elf in my first playthrough, was basically there to show that well, City elves had little to no rights, and their abuse was condoned by the guards, and overlooked by or unknown the king.
...and you're missing my point entirely.
So, in your mind It's okay for violence to happen to someone because of their gender, as long as its the right one, because history. Correct me if I'm wrong, but thats how it comes across.
History is a poor means of excusing people's shitty behavior in the present. Its a…
"Contrary to popular belief, the system of patriarchy has not always existed"
I've never played Hitman, but I watched a video response about this video and it implied that the entire stripper killing scene was in 1 of 18 missions and your goal was to actually sneak around the strippers, not kill them.
I think that's definitely part of it. Anita doesn't strike me as someone who plays games or even digests them in any meaningful ways - she just looks for surface-level examples, cries out sexism and moves on, as if that's actually enough for an argument.
You and many other here have pointed that out but it seems you can't critique Saark here because the you are the idiot-strawman-troll-whatever deflection you can think of. She is the worst activist for this type of situation and really as much as the term is hated it really defines the SJW stereotype when her fans…
there may be a problem overall, but what sarkeesian has been saying is identical to Zdzichuman's analysis, shes absolutely the worst possible activist for this situation
Seeing scenes from GTA V, Assassin's Creed II , Far Cry 3, The Witcher, Red Dead Redemption and other games stacked one after the other does highlight how prevalent this device is in AAA video games writing.
Im the opposite. I'm out. This shit is not worth my time because a special interest is asking for exceptions yet again. Yeah there's a violence problem. People are nasty, petty, mean, and violent to one another, news at 11.
I dont give a damn if its a woman or a man, noone deserves to be a victim of a violent act but…
The way of Anita's thinking is very simple; any kind of violence against women in video games is bad and it should be banned, while violence against man is ok. So yeah, here You go, it sum up her all videos on that topic.
Want to know what is even worse? Not being able to sit back and enjoy a video game for what it is. That would be awful.