I've begun to wonder if Japanese eggs just taste differently or something.
I've begun to wonder if Japanese eggs just taste differently or something.
It seems not so much a mayonnaise museum as a Kewpie museum.
Hey, I like mayonnaise too, but some people enjoy it in doses that remind me of nothing so much as really bad pornography.
How is he mocking ALS by bringing light to a SERIOUS issue with police killing people (specifically black people) in America?
kids ride trikes therefore trikes are for kids? Ok lets' use that logic.
Kids also ride bikes, cars, skateboards, etc.
No you can't say "but real cars have engines and are bigger". So does this trike. There are plenty of really cool looking trikes out there. Especially custom made ones.
Dear Batman: cape + bike = bad idea...
Totally thought this meant it was free free. Not the 2 days playtime for free that steam usually does.
You do realize that most of the individuals who were arrested for looting were from out of town right? Those are just opportunistic thieves. The protest isn't a homogenous mass.
Key&Peele are consistently on fire. Best sketch show I've seen in years.
From my experiences with it - it went from being a very fringe outside movement advocating radical ideas almost totally outside of liberal *or* conservative thinking - to what people mean today when they say it - that is (to paraphrase) "I'm a die hard republican that is to afraid to say so because I know they are…
In his defense, Zeus was a terrible father.
Try again. Protesters /= the looters. Completely separate groups. All the protesters are right to be angry. The looters are organized criminal groups from outside of St. Louis and even outside of Missouri entirely.
I'm Christian, and I didn't watch it, suspecting it was going to be handled extremely poorly, and as it turns out, it was. One of the worst things possible to portray or show is a strawman atheist. Does absolutely nothing for either Christians or atheists. Terrible stuff.
Did he? I'm not surprised there were characters like that in that movie. But I didn't watch that religious pablum. I can't take a movie like that seriously. And it seems like I was right not to. You have my sympathies for having to have watched it. Ugh.
Hope you didn't like Chuck Norris as well. Both of them are racist bible thumping loonies.
Yeesh. At first I thought maybe he was talking about the protestors, and I agree a little bit: I think most people are legitimately angry, but there's definitely those who are using it as an excuse to steal shit.
Nope, he's just racist. That's a real shame.
Oh yeah, didn't he play the "evil atheist" in that weird "God's not Dead" religious movie?
You can still enjoy old episodes of Hercules and recognize that Kevin Sorbo's an ass. Both things can be held in your head at the same time!
I kinda figured he might be this kind of person when I found out years and years ago he was a bit of a bible-thumpin' Christian. Not that all people who are very religious are like this, but here in the U.S., if that's what you are, it's usually a good sign you've got your head up your ass like this.
Actress and True Blood star Anna Paquin was subjected to extremely ignorant questions about her bisexuality from…