
True. Personally, I think Asylum is the strongest, story-wise. The problem I had with Joker in Origins is that after they seemed to put an end to his antics in City, I was really looking forward to a story not focused on him.... Especially since both AA and AC did such a great job of planting information about a lot

It's a decent game... But it's no Arkham Asylum or Arkham City.

The changes in combat timing are fucking annoying and inferior. Story isn't nearly as enthralling.

And while this issue also appeared in Arkham City, the fact that I can't turn off the 'Counter' icon during my first play through is infuriating! It throws

I gave it a shot earlier this year. I did enjoy it for the most part, some plot elements aside, but I still feel that there was a lot to be desired in regards to the gadgets. There wasn't much use to a lot of them. That, and it suffered from what City did in that the side missions were over before I knew it.

I'll bet if they could, they wouldn't roam around in the sand, sawing people's heads off for not covering their women's faces.

ah, then the vagueness extends beyond the sadness, because that video was pure joy. I want to grind it into powder and snort it off of whatever is the least hairy part of Meg's body while telling her to shut up.

There are some Parody porns that are quite good.... This was just lazy. I personally like some chuckle with my choad, and this did not fit the bill. There's not enough dialogue between the sex to even make it bad enjoyable. And I don't know what is worse, James Deen trying to stay in Quagmire character throughout the

Yeah, poor Taliban, must be hard keeping women powerless and executing people publicly.

It's like you people think Afghanistan and Iraq were conflictless paradises prior to US operations.

All of the civilian and even Taliban deaths that have happened could've been avoided. When we went to Afghanistan we weren't interested in anything except Al'Qaeda.

As a former military member myself I must agree with BionicBerry, I can't count how many times I was ordered to slaughter whole families of women and children and then burn their homes while laughing. I was just doing my job though. Its not like I can make my own moral decisions once I put on the uniform right? Maybe

Not really.... You're not missing much. They don't put much effort into these things aside from costumes. Quagmire goes Giggity-Giggity, Meg says "Noone notices me!" and Quagmire says "I'll notice you!"

** 20 Minute sex scene **

I'm a fat 40 year old in a wig pretending to be Chris, do you need help with your homework

How to be a kotaku dick riding user: Protect kotaku from any and all flame because....because...there is no reason.

How to Kotaku editor, look on Minecraft Reddit all day until you find something awesome...

Oh god, we're too late.

You just see a fat guy thinks anything he does is sad huh, that was some great delivery and improv right there and nailed the voice too.

need some aloe vera for that burn?

Now playing

It's sad when you don't have to dress up to cosplay as a live-action idiot.

As soon as the right porn producer sees this, this guy is gonna get LAID.

I need a big chicken costume, and meet this guy. ;)