
That would entail that Dragon Age 2 was made prior to the 1959 release of "Sleeping Beauty" for which "Maleficent" tries to provide a different portrayal of the iconic villain. Jolie's character is clearly trying to embody the original from the classic animated film.

I loathe ranked play because it's all netlisting try-hards, which is just an exceptionally boring way to play the game. Casual mode where I can at least attempt and hope my Pirate deck gets to be silly and win a few games is much more my style.

I've gotten in the habit of immediately ranking up to rank 20 the day a new season starts, and then I stop playing ranked mode pretty much that moment because it's all try-hard net-listers, which is a really boring way to play the game.

I really hate the new art style with the tumber nose, ricockulous mouth and buck teeth and thick eyebrows.

I would argue this one made the least sense out of all the movies. So many things that just didn't make sense or weren't explained.


I'm replying to you because you seem intelligent and CountCagliostro is being a belligerent prick.

Should I use smaller words?

Oh just fuck off. The only thing you are an expert on is being an unlikable prick. Congratulations.

There are, in fact, several instances where civilians have shot or otherwise attacked SWAT teams busting in their homes for no reason and not only surviving, but going without legal punishment because it would be anybody's first instinct to defend yourself from masked men with guns busting down your door. While I'm

Are you sure about that?

Home invasions certainly happen and I can point to any number where someone actually protected themselves with a firearm. However, has it ever happened to me? No. Will it ever happen to me? Most exceedingly likely, no. But it's no excuse to accuse someone who's prepared for it of being 'paranoid'. If I have a fire

Assuming you instantly know for certain that they're police. The fact that many people think you're just supposed to assume anyone busting down your door has to be a cop speaks volumes to the excessive militarization of the US's police forces.

In the US, we consider folks that break down our front doors to be exhibiting poor manners.

Give it time...eventually there will be a tragic news story in Rich Magicland, Ivory Tower USA where something like this happens, but absolutely no one expected it, and then something will finally be done about it...or at least considered. You know, a lot like all of those school shootings where no one expected it

I'm not going to take sides in this debate .... but "military/police system is made up primarily of battle hungry dropouts and losers who shouldn't be trusted with a fire arm" is just to ironic not to point out and enjoy deliciously for a lengthy period of time.

No. He would have 16 rounds in his chest defending his house. Are we REALLY this quick to forget the chick whose house was broken into while she was playing dota and held at gunpoint?

The issue here isn't that Hard2forgetme is surrounded by weapons, the issue is that some nutjob decided it would be a good idea to create a situation in which armed cops must break into a potentially innocent persons home...

I had a friend who had a guy impersonating cops attempting to get in the house, had he not actually recognized fake lingo and had a gun he would have been robbed and maybe shot. As it was he got the drop on the guy and called the real cops.

So a 'loon with guns' saved his own life by having one because an actual