I wonder why kotaku constantly tries to show us which games we can't play now and which games we won't play in future^^
I wonder why kotaku constantly tries to show us which games we can't play now and which games we won't play in future^^
Stuff like sexual comedy is a thing in Japanese entertainment though. And there's no overbearing morality police going after that stuff in Japan, compared to all the demagogues making a moralistic stink over sexual industries in America. Also, these are professionals, not some back street, illegal workers. Not to…
The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.
They better catch that dern liberal in the graphics department!
Come on, that's the graphics department effin' with them.
You said:
I think it might actually be even better than http://www.howdoeshomeopathywork.com/ and that site has been a favourite of mine for years.
Man, I saw that link, and I just felt so sad for humanity.
My breath is as dry as a dead dingo's donger.
We all know that blowing into an NES cartridge is a useless and potentially harmful activity. But why did we still do it, even though it never actually worked? Science has the answer.
Actually it's confirmed she's bi... she has lesbian partners as part of her Cyberporn sidejob. However she also has a longtime boyfriend/lover.
So true, I worked at this major food company when I was 18 (I won't say which one), we used to relabel their products with a generic company that you could buy at a 99 cents store. That's why I mostly shop at the 99 cents store now, it's literally the same big name product a good amount of the time.
Wasn't he bisexual?
Some of the major manufacturers sell under both their regular brand name and also as off brand names. They'd also sell to other companies and let them brand it under their names. They'll also often sell the lots that for whatever reason didn't make the first cut. Maybe the machine cut/extruded the product wrong, or…
I've been shopping at Aldi, a German based grocery store that has made its way over to the States, and a lot of their products are "generics" but in some cases, I have found those to be better than the name brands. My favorite would have to be their Pop Tart generic, called Toaster Tarts. The pastry is a little…
Major isn't an outright lesbian as she is more conveniently as bi-sexual (whereas in the manga she has relationship with male companion too). But one thing that stand out. She is always the alpha on the relationship. The thing that this article has pointed out, missing from this Arise version.