Why would you want to make them simpler? The complicated transformations is what made some of the ones from a few years back so great.
Why would you want to make them simpler? The complicated transformations is what made some of the ones from a few years back so great.
You didn't HAVE to— I've been in the beta since day one, and even after they migrated to the PS4, the games were still free.
I'd wager a ham sandwich that those prices are just test placeholders procedurally applied to all products, not final numbers. Otherwise, this service is gonna flop hard.
They added them earlier this week. Before this, all the titles were free, but they did have the rental durations attached to them.
"Breaking News: Game Freak announces drastic renaming of all Pokemon, adds the suffix 'mon' to every creature name"
The possibilities are endless.
It would be pretty awesome if they use Primal Reversion on some of the Fossil Pokemon to basically reveal what they looked like before they were fossils. (Step 1: Removing the Rock Type)
pokemon really wants to become digimon with all these different types of evolutions
Who are these numbnuts claiming Korean snack superiority? I grew up on a steady diet of traditional Chinese cuisine and a pantry stuffed with all manner of snacks from the Asian continent. Having lived in Korea for nearly a year now — on the tropical island of Jeju, famed for succulent pork belly, pure spring waters…
Shits backwards, bold font and blurry. I can't read it.
Japan has no fucking right to critique misuse of another country's language. Their Engrish is legendary. And Bashcraft you should know this shit. I lived in Japan too and that horrible backwoods ass English is EVERYWHERE.
Pepero!! Korean's copycat product! Here's the real deal:
That was my first thought...I wondered how it translated in Chinese but my hanzi is really limited.
From the wording of the tattoo, it's more likely to be Chinese and not Japanese. While "寒冷" still sounds weird and mostly used to describe cold weather and temperature, "殺人魔" is a fairly common phrase in Mandarin Chinese that means "serial killer" or "heartless murderer". I believe what he tried to get is a "Cold…
It's suppose to be in Chinese, where "殺人魔" translates to killer/murderer. That's why it makes less sense to the Japanese. "寒冷", however, still refers to the weather.
It's football
Don't remind me about this game. It was cringe worthy. The Japanese players were barely there. Most of the happily allowed the Greek players to clear the ball uncontested. Even if Greece only had 9 players on the field, I would still doubt Japan's ability to score a goal.
I like this, its funny. But at the same time I hope Korea knows that we take our snacks pretty damn seriously in the US goddamnit
I almost bit on that you magnificent bastard.
Developers have an obligation to thoroughly test all settings such that they are at least stable on most systems, which in the case of PCs, is an tall order. They almost certainly didn't want to put in the time (and thus the money) to ensure features that they were probably going to leave out anyway were nonetheless…