
So, this was just quick and simple research, no real depth done to it.

Good-guy Notch strikes again!

Your right, I don't read EULAs either. Maybe it's just personal experience, but if you were to describe this Majang server situation to me prior to my having any knowledge of it and you asked me, 'do you think this is against the game's EULA?' I would say 'of course it is!' It just has the flavor of a common sense

I hope you and your friend have a few beers together and he rages about how unfairly Mojang is treating him by removing his ability to make money off someone else's IP in clear violation of an EULA he agreed to.

Honestly, the whole "how can I monetize this/I deserve to be able to monetize anything I do on the net" thing is raging out of control.

Good. People have had quite the rackets going with these servers. Not just through pay to win tactics and perks. But through these bullshit server upkeep "donations" and subscription systems too.

A lot of these servers that charge to "cover fees", cover their fees very early on and reap a lot of profit after the fact.

Because the console versions are really bad.

I've played on a couple of servers like that. It wasn't fun at all since the "donators" would get access to these overpowered classes and items in mini-games.

Thank god. I'm pretty apologetic to the servers that were family fun spots who funded for upkeep, but this kind of thing has really gotten out of hand, even in other games like TF2. Quake managed a huge following back when that kind of paid server concept wasn't possible, and people made servers using whatever

Kids at my place of employment (an afetrschool center) always talk about minecraft, how they love it, and how they are denied access to the full game because some people are enforcing a pay-to-win formula on their servers. Very happy this change is happening all around. This is a game about having fun and being

Thank piss for that. It didn't affect me but I hate this kind of thing. When you play some Source/Valve games and you get thrown onto some shitty server that has pay-to-win features. No thanks. Death to this type of thing.

Your reading it wrong. The idea is that you may charge for access, or accept donations. However you can not give anyone special privileges based on this. Donors can not get special commands or items (cosmetic changes are fine), and you can not have a split player bases like subscribers that can use certain plugins

This sounds... excessively reasonable to me. I don't see how anyone who's not a jerk with disposable income or trying to make money off of jerks with disposable income would disagree.

I don't see the issue - did you read the article at all?

They specifically say that donations are fine, as long as nobody gains a gameplay advantage for it. Using donations to keep running would be fine as long as donors do not gain anything (beyond cosmetics like colored names in chat) from it.

As templar_omega said, most people who do this probably didn't even create the mods they use to make the cheats they charge so much for possible. Furthermore, they are profiting from someone else's work - both Mojang and the mod creators. That's not capitalism, it's stealing.

Also, wrong. Very wrong. Charging for stuff

As a former high-ranking staff member of a previously huge "rank" Minecraft server which imploded due to the owner being a moron that ended up letting someone steal over $20k of donated server funds as well as all the core server files, which caused the playerbase to drop from over 8,000 to under 200, and being a

I don't have a horse in this race so-to-speak, so it's easy for me to say that it makes complete sense and no-one should really have a problem with the policy.

I wonder what it's like to be one of the symbols of the downturn of society? To know your "contributions" only ever appealed to the worst of a culture. His only memory is being "that guy". But, hey, he made 4 million, and moneys all that matters right?