
For movie props you want something badass and recognizable (among a fandom). Portability helps so you can show that shit off but is not a deal breaker. To that end, I would choose the Wormhole Weapon from Farscape: Peacekeeper Wars ... or Ka D’Argo’s Qualta Blade. So either a weird chair that makes blackholes that

Friday the 13 (NES), Doom, and Nightmare Creatures (PS1).

My bag of everything bagel chips awaits a tasting. Tried the Fried tomato, could not get past the overwhelming taste of mustard and paprika. Refused to buy the taco; if I want a taco chip I will buy a Dorito (I miss you flavor 404!).

Know what you’re in for before you build stax.

As long as CraveTV holds Letterkenny hostage by preventing dvd distribution, ya’ll in Canuk-istan have the advantage.

Searched the comments for this, thank you for reminding people that both are an homage to a Bruce Lee movie (Game of Death).

Since a couple of titles I enjoyed are already up there, I’ll include a shout out (do people still use that phrase?) for some underappreciated titles: Megaman Legends, Chrono Cross, The Legend of Dragoon, Grandia.

I won’t judge you for Dinotrux if you don’t judge me for My Little Pony, capisce?

I’ve been watching Frontier just to catch glimpses of Khal’s savagery in his portrayal of Declan Harp.

I’d buy a Switch today if they announced a new Golden Sun, Megaman Legends, or a side-scrolling Castlevania.

All I care about is the Ni No Kuni sequel.

I have doubts as to how effective Amonkhet will be on the standard meta. Amonkhet is designed to appeal to draft and sealed more than any set preceding it. As a result, the majority of cards featured in it are unplayable in a constructed format. It’s very telling when the EV (estimated value) of an unopened box of

What is amusing is that when they announced their Banlist updates and didn’t ban the combo they made special mention that it was being observed to determine whether to give it the axe. What changed? Tournament results flooded in where 80% of players were running Copy Cat Combo.

The type of trackball-keyboard setup you are talking about is a no longer in production model that was originally $100+, now a collector’s item worth several times more.

I know and understand your pain. I’m about an 11 & between 5-6E. Haven’t been able to wear New Balance for over 10 years. Amazon has been a godsend in that regard, as I now wear Propet.

Kinda hard to look tough when you’re sucking on a douche-flute and the battery explodes.

Which is one of the reasons a lot mtg players are switching to EDH and Modern.

10 Modern Masters 2017 packs. At least then he has a chance at high value.

I named my MC Bruce Leroy, my team Last Dragon. Because I love classic B-Movies.

Bought it yesterday at my FLGS. Premier stores get to sell new titles early.