
Super racist and home to the ratbirds has always been enough for me. STL, Columbia, and Jefferson City tend to get attention as the “civilized” portions of the state. I groan every time a politician from this state has a soundbite make it to the Daily Show, as the people here vote for three letter prefixes instead of

I’ve lived in rural Missouri for 17 years, your assessment of it is correct.

I have made peace with the idea of Scarlet Johansson in a role that I believe she is too emotive to portray (facial movements and emotional conveyance). But the reason I will wait for Redbox on this movie is that the trailer shows a plot that I think is overused. “The Government stole her life”. I rolled my eyes when

Every week... every week I check my gamestop preorders... every week I see “Persona 5: Take Your Heart Edition” staring back at me. I’ve been doing this since I first placed the reservation on 6/7/16. I want it. I’m tired of waiting.

*checks official pokemon store* Damn, still no team skull merch.

Every now and then I’m tempted to reinstall, but then I remember that everything after the 2nd dungeon (Temple of the Three Winds) is forced PvP.

Good, maybe now some of the Pokemon merch I’m selling on consignment at my flgs will start to move. I was pulling $50+ per week during those first two months, and then niantic shit the bed. Once my current inventory sells out I will wash my hands of it and sell easier things, like icemakers in Canada.

Blizzard has this weird shield that protects it from criticism.

Lizardman Cajun Chef (Ranger). Had a belt full of different spices, seasonings, and various cooking utensils. Favored Enemy takes a new meaning for a carrion eater with no qualms about the morality of eating intelligent life.

Might be a better long term investment than the Switch.

Might be a better long term investment than the Switch.

It’s as if he knows that I use his videos to annoy my coworkers. Truly we are in sync.

Someday Netflix will grace us with Doc Martin season 7. Someday.

Give me Rainbow Dash vs Starscream as an option and I’ll buy the game twice.

They are like a sad mash up of Juggalo and Techno Goth. Making them far superior to both.

I’ve been tossing spare Feebas, Wimpod (named Golly Gee), island scan pokemon, and Stufful on wonder trade since the game came out. Now I have way too many Yungoos, Pikipeck, Rattata, Meowth, and Spearow.

US cities house 62.7% of the US population*, receive 100% of the focus from Pokemon Go. I knew this would happen, back when Go was just a pipedream and people were still amped up from Google’s April Fool’s joke involving a hypothetical pokemon ARG. By actual pokemon game logic rural areas should be overflowing with

Currently there is a Glitch with Kadabra and a few other mons. Any mon that learns more than 1 move on evolving will only learn the first one (in Abra/Kadanra’s case this is Kinesis). This renders Kadabra useless until level 21 when it learns Psybeam.

Kudos to you. I would join in the drinking to dull the pain, but fatty liver disease is a thing and right now I wish it wasn’t. Instead I sat alone in a theater and watched Trolls. The 3D helped block out this tragedy.