Here's hoping another disaster movie comes out soon and they destroy everyone's farm as part of the "advertising".
Here's hoping another disaster movie comes out soon and they destroy everyone's farm as part of the "advertising".
@Izod517: Now that makes sense. Nice work, you cute little puppy you.
The RDR: Undead Nightmare for $19.99 on Xbox 360 is not a deal at all. The DLC is only 800 MS points ($9.99 on the PSN.)
Curse you, Kotaku, for re-igniting my addiction to Facebook games. CURSE YOU!
@meteora3255: See because I thought it wasn't out yet on either console and thought I'd be funny and say it's never coming out on either console but It's already out on one and now I've explained the joke and it's no longer even remotely funny.
That Vanderbot is completely fucking stupendous. Kudos, good man. Kudos.
@KaemonKei: Well, shit. Totally ruined my joke.
The Mac version will be release "later" and the PlayStation 3 version "never."
Weird for Paris? No.
@Idoitforthelulz: No, you're right. They were pretty much all ugly and useless.
I think the massive influx of Gizmodians has borked that website.
For $100 less from Dell, I think I'd stick with the M11x. In the days of massive USB flash storage and Steam, who needs an optical drive?
@Atsumi: Think back to the late 90's and even 10GB was a gigantic amount of information at the time. It would take me a whole day to download a single album from Morpheus on dial-up.
I think I saw a sheep in one of the trees...
@D.Crane: lol My first thoughts exactly.
Oblivion had some great graphical mods to make the game look even more stunning. Also, Torchlight seems to have 100's of different mods from new pets to new classes.
Was there any question that Mario would be 1st place in Japan? That's like thinking that a GTA game wouldn't be 1st place in the US.
@C3PA: First thing we should do when humans get to Mars is hug that plucky little Rover. C'mere you big lug.
I've been searching for a word to use for the friend who is a bit slower than the rest and always ends up the butt of the joke: The Punchline Bitch.
@pandafresh: Nope. Not gunna say it. :D