
This makes me feel better. I'm glad I'm not the only person who shoots every wolf I see.

@Dan2593: Ha! Kinect 3D looks amazing.

$150 "spare" glasses is another reason why I won't be buying a 3D TV any time soon.

I like buying stuff (like any good American), but I don't really care for shopping for the stuff.

Gah! The red text! It burns my eyes!

This MUST be rated R to be any decent. There's too much blood and dead looking little girls to make it anything else.

Red Dead, all the way. Simply freaking stunning game.

Please stop teasing me and give me Panzer Dragoon for PS3 already. I can't take this anymore.

@jdale: We could tell you the truth but then we'd have to kill you, comra...uh, i mean, sir.

Pay no attention to the fluffy bunny. This is not a secret message. Nothing to see here.

@Biokinetica: To not understand why Portal 2 won over LBP2 probably means you didn't play Portal.

@Sevrance: That's about what I thought, but it still doesn't answer my question...

@FATDAN: If the movie is any indicator, it should be able to turn at right angles.

Why is the tip of India completely blue? I read the BBC article and I still don't get it.

@Rosa Golijan: Agreed. Naked is the way to go. Why cover up aesthetics the manufacturer spent months trying to create with a cheap piece of plastic or silicon?

I'm going to keep saying it until I see it:

Hurry it up, Blizzard. I need my *click click click click* fix.

I think I'm in. I have a feeling the give-aways will be good near the holidays.