Losing a friend is devastating. Especially young and under these circumstances. BUT enough is e-fucking-nough. She’s run this into the ground, and now it’s just deeply tacky and embarrassing.
Losing a friend is devastating. Especially young and under these circumstances. BUT enough is e-fucking-nough. She’s run this into the ground, and now it’s just deeply tacky and embarrassing.
It’s Friday, and I’m all out of constructive criticism, but maybe Mischa should take a cue from Amanda Bynes and go for a career change. Just because you were an actress as a child/young adult, doesn’t mean you have to continue being an actress.
IT nerd here. Avoid Norton like the plague.
Ya’ll must have pissed someone off...
I’M RUNNING! And from this point forward in history, no one is ever allowed to say, “but you’re not qualified!” because of Donald Fuckface Trump. If HE can be POTUS, I can very well run for county board or some other higher office. I want to personally take Peter Roskam DOWN.
One site I really liked was swingleft.org. I live in DC, so not only are we solidly blue, but we don’t really have any power on a national level. However, I was able to find my closest swing district (VA-10) and sign up to help with the democratic effort there. I got my whole family and a bunch of friends to commit to…
Also, for those of you who signed up for updates from Indivisble, check your email. There is a call to action on cabinet votes, calls today, and visits to local political offices tomorrow. For those of you who didn’t not already sign up, go to their website and sign up! https://www.indivisibleguide.com/
Just his pissy little ego trying to spite obama, making a spectacle of “undoing his work” as if it doesn’t affect millions of lives.
And sneakily referred to it as “that Mexico thing” as he signed it.
What was Giuliani saying “he didn’t know why people were protesting” THIS is why. The GOP loves to talk about how the Democrats want to destroy the constitution, THIS is what that looks like.
It gets reinstated and repealed every time the parties change power, so no shocker here (and especially with a VP like Pence).
My favorite picture someone took from the Seattle march had three middle-aged dads, each with a little girl in a pink pussy hat on his shoulders. These are the dads we need!
There were a few times at the DC March when people started chanting Black Lives Matter and everyone joined in with the same enthusiasm as all the other chants. It was awesome!
This was pretty much my face for the dad’s have to take care of kids while mom goes protest headline. He can watch the kids for the weekend while mom goes makes history. God.
I’ve said it before, but I loved the effort my local march (in lily-white Kansas) made to make sure that the speakers were diverse- in their race, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, abilities, class, age, and point of view. The crowd was respectful and receptive to all the different speakers, and…
“The news has been especially hard on Brotman, as he lost his wife back in December after complications from a stroke. Brotman considered his preparations for the inauguration to be a welcome distraction from his grief.”
I think he also recently lost his wife.
It makes you wonder how many bridges has Trump burned since he was elected president. He thinks he is the Teflon Don but everyone has their limits. The more he pushes, the more he pushes people to the other side. It’s going to be interesting to see who will finally take him down. As more time goes on, the list of…
THIS MAN. I AM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. Seriously him saying he wanted to kill him self when he found out he wasn’t going to be an announcer broke my heart. And as was stated on the original post, a man of this age who has participated in many many inaugurations clearly holds it close to his heart regardless of who is…
“Write a note to yourself about what you would never do. And when you come to the line, don’t cross it.”