
You kind of hydrated it away at the very start of the problem. That absolutely is a thing. You can just drink water, though.

UTIs are one sex ed thing I wish I was told as a kid. I was convinced I had some kind of sexually transmitted disease the first time I had one. I only get them after unprotected sex, so naturally I was certain I was going to die waiting in that doctors office.

You should try writing “Jill Stein” down on a piece of paper. It may not help, but at least you’ll have a clear conscience.

The first time I got a UTI in college the very unhelpful nurse told me to just have less frequent sex. AS IF.

Yes, this. I don’t know too many Republicans that are voting for Trump, but they all say “I just can’t vote for Hillary.” It is so frustrating. They’re either staying home, leaving it blank, or voting Johnson.

As a lifelong Dem, I’ve been trying to imagine what it would be like if some nutbar had the Democratic nomination. Would I really be able to bring myself to vote for Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz? Navarro seems like a smart, principled lady, and though I imagine she and I would disagree on a lot of policy, I am giving her

I really applaud her for doing this. There are so many leftist idiots right now (and I consider myself very left leaning) who seem to be pissed and unable to bring themselves to vote because Clinton is running and not their favorite inter-sectional feminist theory professor. I truly believe the example Ana Navarro is

I have to give this woman credit. While I think the republican party as a whole stands for some backwards, racist, sexist, greedy principles that defy logic, civility, and science, when it mattered this woman did what was right. So many partisan folks will not step back and assess reality. Good for her. I may disagree

I would literally rather go to The Upside Down.

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .

ok im in NY, on long island, so its pretty conservative out here. I fucking LOVE all the “these colors don’t run” bumper stickers that have faded so badly you can barely see them. I love the irony of it.

Oh my lard I worked with the nicest grandma lady one time and she had a grandson in the military and she showed up at work in a red white & blue flag t-shirt that said “These colors don’t run!” and my snarky co-worker murmured, “But I bet they BURN!” and then we nastily laughed together .

Totally With You On That.

I’m drinking old-fashioneds and smoking a big fat joint. I’m working from home on Wednesday, because I planned ahead for my hangover (caused by jubilation or despair... TBD).

My boss is wearing a Ralph Lauren American flag sweatshirt to work today in honor of Donald Trump.

Kellyanne needs to learn that this is the way it’s done. 

Off to play on Facebook! Although I assume my “friends” have moved on to claiming Hillary is working some hydrogen bomb scheme with Xenu.