
That and Hilary’s reaction was my favorite part. I LOLed and scared the cat, personally.

I truly think it’s her gender. There is no other possible explanation.

I was on Jeopardy! and was surprised to find out how many people think we get the questions beforehand, too. Ooh, maybe this is my chance to get ungreyed-- I’ll spill it all if you ungrey me!

She also did prepare plenty for any number of questions on these broad topics, which she admitted and which is certainly cool. Even smart people have to study.

I read a comment from a trump supporter on my facebook feed about how great trump did going off the cuff and that Hillary must have known the questions ahead of the debate because she answered so perfectly. no dude, thats what an intelligent person can do when asked a question.

“Are you ready to use your words now?”

I also liked Jerry Springer’s tweet

I know the audience wasn’t supposed to react. Which makes great sense and is sound policy. But the derisive laughter when Trump insisted his temperament was his strongest point was kind of a delicious guilty pleasure.

“Those are not my words. There is no record of those being my words, even though there are recordings where I said those words. Okay, so maybe they are my words. So what. I will not apologize for my words. I will not stand by them either, because that’s not fair. But if I did say those words, it’s the media’s

Now playing

I wish that when Trump had whined about Clinton going negative with ads, she would have said with all sincerity:

Hillary was ready, y’all.

From your lips to God’s ears.

Was it me or did Hillary Clinton know already that gifs would be made of her expressions during the debate while the orange freak rambled incoherently and she looked on? I could just see her looking into the camera and communicating with her eyes “can you believe this guy? Is he nuts or what”?

if we’re absolutely doing the both-sides / devil’s advocate thing: she did a fine job. 7/10.

Don’t forget #stamina


So, I know we all tend to create an echo chamber here (I’m guilty of contributing to it too), but I do like to think that I can be practical and objective. All that said, it seemed to me that Hillary won this debate quite handily tonight. What do y’all think? Is my wishful thinking getting in the way of my objectivity

42 days, 18 hours and 25 minutes until the polls close in Virginia and Florida and our long national nightmare begins its fluorescent death knell

Let’s all stand for a hearty round of applause for the person whose idea it was to televise the debate with a split screen. Literally a genius move.