
It was Bobby Rahal.

You don’t drive at traffic speed in the passing lane, and you don’t pass cars on the right on the highway.

This was very evident in their choice of Keith Urban to ride backseat in the two-seater before the race. He had to cancel and was replaced with Lady Gaga. There is already a huge overlap between Indycar fans and Keith Urban fans.

Spaeth’s firm publishes the “BIMBO Memo” which “recognizes dumb public comments made during the year”. Feel free to nominate Ken Starr here: http://spaethcom.com/blog/Bimbo

The problem is journalists typically let these types do exactly that.

You get to chew pure milkfat. Congrats!

It still offsets funds the university would otherwise need to dedicate to research. Instead of spending institutional money on research, then can instead spend on FOOTBAW.

105 years, the 100th running. No races during WWII.

Why would there be? The assembly workers at Smith & Wesson and Colt Firearms are UAW brothers and sisters.

The UAW represents workers at Colt and Smith & Wesson, so they absolutely are not against guns.

Yeah, the 30% number given by UAW’s president seems verrrry low.

Seriously. Guys as obese as Biggie basically have micropenis due to excessively large pubic fat pads.

Making Larry Bird look like more of an idiot.

Obedience and authority are the foundation of most team sports.

If you think shorts and the giant Polo shirts look WASPy, you haven’t spent nearly enough time at an HBCU.

While I’ve never recognized a transperson pissing or shitting in a public restroom, I’ve seen plenty of males, usually members of construction crews, jump into the women’s restroom at gas stations because they can’t be bothered to wait in line.

Are you kidding? There is a reason so many hospitals have helipads now. Outside of major urban areas, hospitals just aren’t equipped to deal with a range of situations. In these cases they serve just to stabilize patients as much as possible before an air ambulance transports them to a hospital with the necessary

The best (worst) are the police officers who have smoked tinted license plate covers on their cruisers. I see a lot of that in some of the communities surrounding Indianapolis.

eBags 22" TLS Expandable Carry-On

eBags 22" TLS Expandable Carry-On

Lowly Worm!