
19) Apparently a thing people do at concerts is FaceTime their lame friends at home and sing along with whatever song is being performed. This is a dynamic and frankly malicious type of selfie.

The HIPAA statute doesn’t create a private cause of action.

Like doing sex?

Would you like some making fuck?

She isn’t even in prison any longer. Ugh.

So, was anyone else totally buying this story until the L. Ron Hubbard model?

An AFC Finalist banner isn’t nearly as pathetic as the two Wild Card banners hanging in Lucas Oil.

Then what footwear am I supposed to wear to DMB next month?!?

The poster said “Royal and Ancient”, which is the name of the golf course at St. Andrews.

The crazy thing is the paramedic on the skid, Lenny Skutnik, didn’t even have a harness to attach him to the helicopter.

You mentioned the Air Florida crash. I was so fortunate to get to spend a few months learning from the U.S. Park Police helicopter pilot who flew the rescue sorties during that event, Don Usher. No one would blame Mr. Usher for being cocky given his actions in the Air Florida crash or his during past experience as a

Son of the Mask

When I originally saw the film when it came out, I had no idea of the significance of Portman’s character being collared. I probably just thought it was some thing that middle school girls wore. Damn was I naive.

So does Juan Williams.

In the video they explain the image is projected onto a fine water mist. My state’s history center uses the same technology as guests walk through some exhibits.

Goddamnit, I thought this was going to be a Karl Welzein piece.

Publishing the officer’s name with these circumstances will probably do more than anything to ensure he does not go 50 miles down the road and get hired by a different department that will claim ignorance the next time his screw-up results in harm.

Reading his last tweet really turned on the waterworks.

You could even fill the bottle and drop in a denture cleaning tablet.

You could even fill the bottle and drop in a denture cleaning tablet.