
@Foozy Ploosh Room: Well yes, but I'm considering that the author probably lives near LA, and the only slick surfaces they see are when it rains, and 3 months of oil leak buildup on the roads float up.

Oh yes, let's let the electronic nannies drive for us. Stability control fools people into ignoring the 'Oh Sh!t' zone while driving. His kid would be better off in a rain soaked empty parking lot learning how to control his car in emergency situations. Like most of us Jalops.

@gimme an old Mercedes land-yahct: An hourmeter? That's a good idea. I think for items such as suspension/brake parts, mileage is important, but for engine and electronics, mean time between failure (MBTF).

@discontinuuity: Buy the organ and learn how to play In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida!

Hear me fellow citizens! Grab hold of your toolboxes, call up your junkyards, and open up those service manuals! There is a solution that merges the worst of automotive appliance banality and the stirring in one's loins only possible by hoonage!

@petersterncan: ah well... I guess I can only include the .2-.3 hp for one bike.

I have ZERO horsepower. That's right, zero.

@Almostbanned: Cucumbers and peppers have seeds inside... are they fruits as well?

"There are many concepts and trends to come out of Japan we don't understand (ahem, Cosplay) but we totally get Japanese papercraft."

@c0de: $2500? Tell that to ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer. He spent $4300 for his plaything and look where that got him!

Skoda wants their Twindoor hatch back.

@Mad_Science: hmmm, what could they use for chariots? Fiat 500s? or for the hardcore... TVRs!

@Timtoolman, now with power tools!: I think the announcements by Subaru and Mitsubishi mean different things when you dig down. Most people do not buy Subarus or Mitsubishis because they do well on rallies. Subaru has always had a billy-goat granola aura that plays well with soccer moms and lesbians, and they've been

Passing cars

Perhaps the world's highways weren't destroyed by nukes. These bikes would be great for that task. Unfortunately, once the going gets rough:

@AussieMike: Then we'd all think The Stig was Schumi...

So, not to be a stereotypical American, but lawsuits should be filed and heads should roll. The art gallery owner let the secret out? Why would he do that? That artwork just became a whole lot less valuable now that the secret is out.

As an inventor, you're bound to have a lemon or two in your batch of creations.

Sweet, Asahi 633's... (633 ml)