Rochester closed a useless piece of highway, called the Inner Loop, several times last summer and let the pedestrians/bicyclists/skaters use it. It was pretty cool :D
Rochester closed a useless piece of highway, called the Inner Loop, several times last summer and let the pedestrians/bicyclists/skaters use it. It was pretty cool :D
@Shapeshifter: Maybe he just had a wedgie from sitting in the seat too long... and didn't want to be seen adjusting himself on camera.
@smoke~: Do you have the contact info for that plant? My old manager might want to get one of those... Seems like his old dummy wasn't good enough for the HOV lane!
@anaxomander: That's how I felt. You knew you were watching the last seconds of a great man's life, ticking down.
@JSmith53: Ummm, didn't you notice the article about the cars NY politicians drive?
@Turkina: *PCV
@bigbill25: My 98 Forester lost its head gasket, right around Christmas time as well! But no damage done, and repairs covered by extended warranty :)
@Hyman Decent: Nissan ~ (tilde)?
@Bret: I once rode a rickety old local train through the mountains of Japan that had two small fireplaces to heat the car during the winter!
I'd be afraid to fire that gun... What happens if you're driving cross-slope and take a shot in the wrong direction? Seems like you'd still have a bit of a tipping issue.
Oooh, I want! I <3 Subies...
@danio3834: Doing some mental calculations... I could probably fit 10 bodies in that ute bed under the tonneau cover. Now if they were dead babies...
Toys? Compass and outside temp gauge is all I need. Sunroofs are nifty too.
What's with the donut spare? Full size spares fit fine in the older Foresters!
@smalleyxb122: The key to biofuels, is you lock up the CO2 in the plant, then re-release it in the production/burning process. That makes biofuel relatively carbon neutral. Dino oil releases mass quantities of CO2 that have been locked up over millions of years.
Let's just toss the stock cars out and get more of this racing!
10 billion yen on a karting track? Maybe that's the missing piece Toyota needs to win at Formula 1. The worst thing that could happen with the track, some Toyota engineer could learn that biggie-sizing their cars and using soggy suspensions is not the way to driving happiness.
So now I can fit one extra shoebox in the trunk? Fantastic!