
Toyota Canyonero?

So how many bodies can you fit in that trunk?

I think some people took my post a bit too seriously.

A Chinese made frame and swingarm? Other than probably being much too crude and heavy, I'd shudder to think about the durability of said parts. There had better be some serious Japanese design input and Japanese quality control before I'd ride one of those...

I did the Bablefish on the Russian page. Says the Forester is 45mm wider and 80 mm longer. No mention about wheelbase. So it's a bit wider, but still smaller than the Outback. The Forester, if the article is to be believed, is still built on an Impreza chassis.

At least World Car Fans got something right about the Forester. They're still claiming the stretched Outback test mule would be the new Forester. Maybe it is... but I really doubt Subaru would want the Forester to rival the Tribeca in size, considering it's done well being built on the small Impreza platform. Let's

Not enough rust on the Subaru... therefore, it was murdered before its time! All Subarus must be at least 50% rust before being considered for retirement! And when they retire... they get sent to Maine!

@Paul Y: Yes, but hoontastic exuberance has issues with stopping distance when using all-seasons...

@goatrope: Quad hamster power with crack-pellet boost control!

My friend's father had a 300SL, I think a red 1956 (I was told red wasn't a color the year before). Anyways, the car was in the restoration process, father died, things got disorganized, and although the restorer was getting paid, he gave my friend and her mother the run-around, delayed things, overcharged, and tried

The rear profile... for some reason it reminded me of a woman... a parachute panty wearing woman with a huge posterior packing away some more McD's. *cringe*

My brother has a 22R-E in his pickup. Never gives any problems, and easy to take care of it! The world needs to see the return of little pickup trucks!

Underneath the Outback sheetmetal is the important part. RTFA and they guess that the pics are of a rigged-up Outback body slapped onto a new Forester chassis. Not sure why Subaru would want a Big Forester, I like my little one just fine.