
As much as I love Nintendo, I can think of nothing to redeem the Wii U.

I can't be the only one that thought of this when reading the first picture caption.

Not true. The nail bat was perfectly functional.

If your Steam looks like this, it's because you set it up like this. My Steam looks like this:

She makes her own words? Show me how's that scale going, Barney.

A game in the Batman The Animated Series universe with the exact same art deco design and the same soundtrack would be great.

Now I ain't no fancy big city lawyer, but...

TOP Original Game: Character shows determination and strong facial features
BOTTOM Remake: Looks like a child. Distinctive hair replaced with wispy aliased hair. Looks like he may start crying at any moment.

It'll be disappointing if she doesn't.

Possibly with a toothpick or needle, but most likely magic.

I think Connor's awesome. I caught me better than Altair did.

No it's not. They're still pixels, even if they are smaller. How can anyone justify anger towards a videogame. Even going with realism, how would this negatively harm anyone? Then they know they should shoot zombie children. Seems helpful to me, zombie children are probably more dangerous than zombie adults

Meanwhile Microsoft is developing a screw that looks like the XBOX logo.

When in doubt:

That's actually one of the enemies in Half-Life 3.

To be fair, a lot of things didn't even occur to the executives at MS.

NOPE, local game shop and friend. You're screwed.

You know your graphics are trash when a 12 year old game did it better.