Probably something along the lines of "Great now the Xbone is going to be flooded with crappy games and it's going to make it harder to find the good games amongst all the dreck."
Probably something along the lines of "Great now the Xbone is going to be flooded with crappy games and it's going to make it harder to find the good games amongst all the dreck."
Let's not argue,'re both right.
so it's not a good year for Star Wars then
Split the islands or control them jointly, seems legit.
Ah and of course, DigiMon is a Japanese style abbreviation of Digital Monsters.
Judging from the size of the hand, I'd say she's in her 64th trimester.
Aliens: CM for 90% off? Not even.
Awesome. Hopefully then the next game in the franchise will be set in the 60's.
I would say this game is worth at least FIVE pennies.
The scope of the game increased drastically when they started raising millions. This is NOT the same game when they were asking for 400k.
Remember when you committed actual crimes and still wouldn't get arrested. Those were th.. oh wait, that's now.
That's a BINGO!
Interesting. And here I thought the death threats were going to be because of his horrible story pacing.
You naughty dog you >_<
Imagine if it happened during a massage! Poor guy.
Lionel Hutz, is that you?
they might have a chance if they do a camera card thing with collectible like japan is very fond of