
I do not understand this ‘article’’ at all?

This is the EXACT same thing that ArenaNet have done with the players of Guild Wars 2 and players are still pissed about it.

someone suck on le boobie.

this is a guy in a shark costume with glasses.

2 girls kissing.

Caveat 14.8 - If any game available for purchase has an average completion time of less than 5 hours then it is not available for refund.

Choose education, the game will be there a year later and his skills won’t go anywhere. The fact he would choose a game over a useful skill just shows what kind of people DoTa actually breeds..... You know what, I change my mind. He should pick DoTa, the world does not need a biomedical engineer this unbelievably

Fingers crossed that calling attention to this dickhead doesn’t create the idea for more dickheads to follow suit and troll a ton of other indie games.

“75% to 25%” but this is because the male animations are easier to create.


Stick figures and Elvis mod - $4.99



You guys are forgetting that those reviews could be from when back when they only had 3-5 hours on record, 3 months later and they a few hundred hours but their review is still the same. The point is kinda moot there guys.

“Luckily I don’t think the bombardment has had much of a long-term impact,” said Gleeson. “When our game was under fire, we all decided to try and not stoke the flames in hopes it would die out quickly, and it has. Again, it’s impossible to say whether the whole drama has influenced sales; perhaps we lost a few


False advertising - in black and white (and some colour) here.

Anyone else surprised this wasn’t a Pro-Drugs-Patricia article?


Something someone had a rant over back in 1983? Stop the presses!!