
Nailed it!

Omari made bail on Tuesday and must appear in court on March 10, 2015 for this arrest, according to a bail notice obtained by reporter Brian Krebs.

Aside from having multiple ports of it I still love it to pieces. It is a joke and complete farce to re-port the port (again) but I cant help but feel warm inside listening to that soundtrack.

What exactly is your point Mike? I love your articles but this is disappointing, even your better rants have points to them, this is just more you are annoyed they added Magneto because he is not technically a hero. I think you should file this under 'Opinion' :/

I would complain about your overuse of clone jokes but they are all the same.

METRO-ID perhaps :P

Is this Where's Wally for ants?

Online in Japan, some commenters are saying this happened because of the mixed bathing, that the old ladies have apparently been cut. Or perhaps the better graphics are to blame? Or maybe, as one Twitter user suggests, they're still in Pokémon X/Y's Kalos region? Others say it's because the grandmas are now bathing

Seems like everything Unity is not. Fancy graphics and micro-transactions are not the way forward at all. Sure graphics look nice but I honestly have no problem with the screenies above, it looks great but more importantly it plays great. Some of the greatest games created are some of the most hideous looking but a

The game's main campaign ends with a tease of what Shay could be doing next. It hints at the outline for a sequel. For once with the Assassin's Creed series, however, a sequel is in doubt. There will certainly be many more Assassin's Creed games, but I'm unsure if Ubisoft would bother producing a follow-up to a game

I really question the type of person that buys a game like Farming Simulator but at the end of the day it is still technically a game even if I don't see it that way. I could vomit on a canvas and it would still be considered art no matter how foul-smelling and others would consider it art too.

I like it, it is one step below a majoras mask car.

Los Santos is now filled with different animals; those monsters at CVG discovered that fluffy cats aren't bullet-proof :(

Guild Wars 2 was the biggest let-down of my gaming life considering that Guild Wars 1 was one of the highest on my list of games I would suggest for people. Both games got several thousands of hours each, no exaggeration there. GW2 is motivated by one thing and one thing only and that is money, every single choice

You can take it as a serious threat or an empty threat, either way the guy is an idiot and why would anyone want to work with someone who is that vile over what many would consider a misunderstanding over some wording. He could have easily sent a message to steam to reword it so people know it is no longer early

Nintendo (sort of) revealed the Zelda-themed ride today in a message from the Nintendo of America Twitter account. It's called the "Master Cycle," and while NOA only provided fans with a sketch, they promised it'll have "plenty of horse power."