
Why is this sexist receiving an award? This is a slap in the face to gamers, she breeds nothing but hate, have people watched her hate propaganda videos? I cant thank of anyone less deserving than this one.

I wonder, I might go buy a Japanese X1 and haggle the price down to about $10 and do them a favour by buying it.

A swing and a miss for Jason, this review is terrible and normally you are much better than that. Bitching over grammar, really? Since when has "A distracting lack of periods" ever been a valid excuse to downplay a game? I liked your opening with the PB&J analogy, that was quite good but then you descended into

Yeah right, they will be sending a cease and desist order for stealing the IP and that is the truth of the matter.

More than likely high.... hopefully not this dumb.

Thought this vid was going somewhere.... :(

Christ, I ain't getting those 15 minutes back. CinemaSins is one thing and usually it has fair points but this is purely semantics. "What is with the colour of this wall +1 Sin" Seriously? Plus if the guy plans to make a living out of it then he needs to learn how to spell, not fastforward video because it is a 'cool'

Sorry you were forced to use that short attention span to read mate.

Dammit, why are you not reporting on the taste?

Filed to: OPINION

It certainly sounds like it, what a horrible post condemning a man based on your own interpretation of his apology. Just another average and offensive article from Patricia, at least this one wasn't advocating the use of drugs, suppose there is that.

Better, though, is Troy Baker, who takes over for Mark Hamill as The Joker. Hamill's are big shoes to fill, and it's easy to write Baker's performance off as "a tribute act." But what he's is doing is a good deal more professional and a hell of a lot more impressive: It's not a tribute, it's a pro-level imitation.

How about a touch screen Sudoku game for the Wii U? Original.

Now that you told people there is stuff there I can smell a future report about a break-in.

AC1 - The Holy Lands - Western Asia
AC2 - Italy
AC3 - America
AC4 - Carribbean

Methinks you are racist.

What's a WiiU?

A perma-ban on these folks, I am pretty sure they agreed to it when they signed up. You pay ~$400 bucks on a gaming machine and then get banned from using its online features because you knew what you were doing when you had sex online. Great way to spend the cash lol, limiting your functionality of your new console.

A perma-ban on these folks, I am pretty sure they agreed to it when they signed up. You pay ~$400 bucks on a gaming machine and then get banned from using its online features because you knew what you were doing when you had sex online. Great way to spend the cash lol, limiting your functionality of your new console.

A perma-ban on these folks, I am pretty sure they agreed to it when they signed up. You pay ~$400 bucks on a gaming machine and then get banned from using its online features because you knew what you were doing when you had sex online. Great way to spend the cash lol, limiting your functionality of your new console.