
Oh, thank god, I thought they were remaking "Sixteen Candles" with her as the lead.

I have almost 2,300 hours in Gw2 - I highly recommend focusing on better MMOs.

A gunblade makes more sense? A gun... blade?

Who wants to mention Natural Selection, 1 or 2?

Connor had a story about him and while colonial times was boring as shit for everyone it could still draw you in. Yes he was a completely different character and he was serious and very stone-faced about pretty much everything, that was his character, he played it well. He was different. Why do all the future

Their artistic vision and sense of pride in protecting something as opposed to giving into the people who cannot "handle it" will have me downloading this later. I hate zombie games for the most part but I want to support the type of devs who want to challenge us morally in games, and not via a bioware dialogue

Ryse wasn't crunched in a day #Rysefacts

Ryse wasn't crunched in a day #Rysefacts

I want to buy it, I am curious what is on that floppy.

Half-Life 3 confirmed.

Ah, so it is not really a vanilla runthrough then, does it still count? What do you guys think?

Can anyone explain how he was doing those firefighter missions? Starting and cancelling? Also he seems to driving and moving a lot faster than normal, modding? Hacking?

That is insanely creepy.

The Mom?

Anyone else thought it was gonna sound like that dog in the pic?

Onimusha, a game that appeared as if from nowhere made such an influence in my gaming life and outer life; from puzzles which were fun to bosses which were tough at times, from involving historical figures like Nobunaga to modern figures like Jean Reno, wonderfully created characters, amazing videos, environments,

That's exactly what I did. I didn't care about the FF15 bit until 'I thought' I saw Cloud/Vincent.

"Easter egg"

I won't be expecting any spoilers with that so let's click it..... oh no, I better let them know it was a spoiler.



Excuse the shouting but oh holy fuck!