
Let's not forget the storyline. A worthwhile purchase for all points said above.

Dear god, can you not see I am joking? -____- Fuck Russia.

Yes it was.

Japan always gets their shit first, I am sure they can wait 2 months considering US audiences waited 20 years for earthbound? Seems the rest of the world is not the only ones with an "I want it now" generation.

Never any problems with Paypal, ever. I would assume they are withholding cash due to some of the indie devs being accused of faking backers on the Ouya from last week, that's if they are connected.

Great video, is it wrong I am most excited about playing Tekken 2 again though?

Russia twice in a row?

I must play this!!! What is it?

Zapdos was originally in a factory.

Do you know what rhetorical means? Also, I never said that :)

So bringing out the character and then slutting it up to be sexualised is..... what? Not sexualising it?

Isn't that the problem with opinions though? Everyone has one, even you. I cannot say you are wrong because that is your opinion and it does not match mine soooo..... I think you lost here.

(insert lame meme)

I disagree.

Ohhhh boy! I meant both actually. They made it sexualised to make money, and it has, so try to argue that and there are people out there with fetishes, some weirder than others.

If you have a problem with how women are treated in Iran you are speaking to the wrong person, I am not an Iranian government official so it

They must be sexualised by somebody if they are seen fit to be banned. You may not find something sexy or sexualised but other people do. (not saying that is me but there are strange people in the world)

Correct me if I am wrong but when they released certain champions (namely Miss Fortune and Lux as well as others) their 'artwork' was changed a few weeks/'months down the line to a more sluttier and whorish look than what they were originally while there is still the original champions there with no sign of an artwork

I’m suing Nintendo. Making a 2D handheld that nobody wants is an idea they stole from the PS Vita — CEO Kaz Hirai (@KazHiraiCEO) August 28, 2013

Raunchy, midget fetish, raunchy and robot tits. It's the sexualisation, not so much what they are wearing.

If these guys would get some booze and women, you think they'd stop terrorizing other countries and menacing them with nuclear weapons?

What's the point of this system?