
Noooope! Fact is I am tired of paying for the games I own, I have subscribed to many games in the past and funded plenty of others via in-game stores but at this point in life sometimes I just want to sit down, turn something on and play for a little while, when I get the time that is. I hate the fact that if I want

That point is neither here not there, EA is worse than Riot by far.

When you play ranked yes you should have to fight harder and smarter but you are not forced to spend all those dollars to get the perfect character if you do not want to, EA will force you, that is the point. Encouragement is very far from forcing.

..... But they don't screw the player base right? That is my point. Who cares what the devs are like if you log on to just play the game and ignore the asshats that play it. LoL is as F2P as you like and there are no hidden charges, you pay if you want to and you can play a very decent game where nothing is locked

EA has been at it for years and not just fucking up, i mean going out of their way to screw people who buy their products. Riot has one slip in its security and it is worse than EA? pssshhhh......

Yes but 90% of twitter are people who cannot read.

What about Tekken? Hrm :(

Dammit, now there goes the fun of the trolling part of it :D

It is mocking because every comment you have typed completely applies to you also, but you cannot see that. My points were valid :)

I'm chill, I have a differing opinion, you don't have to read it, just move on and stop getting worked up.

I also drink, pick my nose, poop and wash the dishes; I don't think off-topic should cover any of them either and the majority of people do all of the above and the minority like it but should they be a topic? I did read it 'and' I have an opinion on it 'and' it is different to yours so maybe you need to chill out?

Very well written response without getting all pro-drug, you know the kind I mean. It comes down to lack of education really but I don't think legalising it the best idea. My problem is that "most" pro-drug people tend to just want it legalised so they can smoke it everywhere and they could give a shite about the

Kotaku Core is for gaming only, it does not cover the gaming world or items relating to it in one way or the other such as the news of LoL player who was jailed or upcoming anime conventions. Do your research. Drugs is not gaming related.

Disgusted too, absolutely no place. To quote Stephen Totilo, another Kotaku writer "Year after year, we at Kotaku have done our best to tell you what's going on in the world of video games." so this is why this article pisses me off. Fuck off-topic and fuck this article, this is not why people read Kotaku.

What does this have to do with games? If I wanted to read cheech & chong articles I would be.... well I guess I would be off smoking drugs. Get back on topic and stop wasting good bandwidth with this shite.

great idea, for instance i hate murder so i think if we make it mandatory then people will understand it better.

"Most people look like shit in their twenties" well a tattoo won't make them any shittier looking if they are at that stage lol. The point is that a tattoo is not about how you look, it is about expressing yourself and as you know whenever people try to express themselves in an artistic way you always can count on

I love this kind of response to tattoos, simply because people seem to think when you are 90, wrinkled, smell of piss and can barely remember why you stood up that somehow, some way they are gonna be good looking at that age but a tattoo would ruin that.

Would it not be the one to get behind you?