
wait you mean to tell me, trading cards by valve which are completely useless and offer nothing of value and COMPLETELY optional are worse than EA who blocks content until you pay extra.... nah, bullshit, EA are by far the worst.

Ruined :/

I hate Seinfield but it is set up perfectly so props, I thought I liked the Daft Punk bit till they played the Power Rangers theme.

I seem to recall "The Saboteur" with a making-of video stating they had wanted to make the setting in a steampunk Victorian era but they got told no as it wouldnt fly :/

You mean creating and modding games too? Wow - Tv, modding, netflix, skype and internet explorer all rolled into one.... it is almost like a pc.... so in other words FUCK THAT Microsoft, fuck that! :)

Another reason, or maybe the same one, why CoD players are viewed as scum of the gaming community.


As said above it depends on the game, M/K is perfect for FPS type games but when you get something like a JRPG or say Assassins Creed or Tomb Raider well then it is a pain in the hole with a multitude of buttons, it is far easier to plug in a controller and use the controls you are used to for a platformer type game.

If I recall, it is the only way to play Binding of Isaac on a controller and let me say it is a major pain in the arse.

After they fixed the part where they blocked people from shooting guns....

It depends on how the break up happened really, was it disastrous or was it done out of love for each other. If it was a poisonous relationship and the person does not delete the abusers facebook or game files then then they have a problem, if they do delete it then let me tell you, that is a satisfying experience to

He places them on his head by the sides and only touches the middle to adjust, he obviously missed putting them on. #ballbreaker

thats because nobody would let you wear them in public :D

Ugh, I stand corrected, they can fuck up the next Tekken.

Cannot get past one of the opening tutorials unless you shoot so they could not play it anyway.

My question is this.... Why is this calculator not part of steam already? I know 2-3 guys on my f.list that I want to check just how much they actually have wasted. I am talking 300+ games o_O

What crime has he actually committed aside from being a complete and utter moron. It is safe to say he wont be talking smack talk for the rest of his life after this. About time they just release him and let it go.

why are we interested the naming of a first gen xbox when the 3rd gen is on its way to release?

Bwahahahaha, bravo kid, bravo. That is exactly the 'shame' I am feeling over this. It was amended once by a person and that is enough, every other comment after that is not an opinion but a personal response to mixing up two words, a huge overreaction of more than 10 people who seem it is their cause in life to