
My bad :) in response to all the replies, wow you people get seriously butthurt over a misconception, I think your efforts are needed elsewhere like grammar in a facebook post or on your job application to mcdonalds.

Opening paragraph;
"It was never so evident of how image-conscious sports leagues can be until Aaron Hernandez, who played tight end for New England, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder on June 26."

No longer accused but convicted.

OMG spoiler!!!

Yes because I am really going out of my mind here about this article lol. It is the same bull every time, blame videogames. The fact is it did not mention she was lying on her chest which caused the problem, it was insinuated because she was lying down playing games is where the problem lay.

Wow, who didn't you bring? :P


So if she slept on her chest at night and ruptured it then it would be the bed-makers fault? Games as a scapegoat once more.

Wow.... you are just delusional aren't you?

I always thought to myself when Pokemon first came on the air about who, in their sanity, would want a Kakuna or Metapod. This pic has hammered that point home and even I want one now.

Metapod! -Use Flail!!

Offer her Urotsikidoji and see is she still a fan of anime then. I expect your anime will be returned before you leave the room.

Sony is definitely the one going under, I mean 80% of pre-orders made were ps4 and x1 just tagging in, so yeah you are completely right here....

The bad PR about the x1 won't change just because "they did a 360" literally. Upon launch day if either system has faulty consoles then they both lose money, it is not just

Skylanders seems to be popular enough alright. If they could hit up the Yu-gi-oh! franchise and secure it as exclusive then they will really have a nice stab at Sony.

"Microsoft was thinking about [what's best for] the game industry, but Sony forced them to back down," wrote one commenter.

Personally it was the sound of closing wallets that changed their mind. People should not be blaming Sony for the fact MS decided to listen to the investors, pull back their ideas and copy ps4 so

Voices were not heard, the closing of wallets was.

"Like Celes finding Locke's bandana on the shore, there's a glimmer of hope that maybe the future won't be so bad."

WHY!?! Why do you do this to me *sniff*

Yes I am aware but it still fails to offer any insight into the game. I can see it got a little shinier but how does it play? It could be the shiniest game in existence but if it plays terrible it will still sit and gather dust.

Which in the argument of playability and longevity of the game matters squat. It is SSB so it will sell and I doubt anyone will be disappointed but you don't need a game to look nice to kick ass and nice graphics do not save a shit game. Just look at Grandia on the Ps1 or Dead Island:Riptide on the Ps3 as examples.

What a joke! HD graphics and all that, most look identical if not better in the brawl side of things bar samus but seriously.... When final fantasy jumped from 6 to 7 in a glorious shower of 3D it was amazing to see, a completely different way to play but this HD stuff annoys me, it is like comparing two copies of

I have lost count of the amount of insults you especially like to fling. You can obviously not handle an adult discussion without resorting to anger, insults and just downright rudeness. I am not a troll just because I disagree with you, sometimes you are wrong and will just have to get over that. I never once said I

"Bitch you wouldn't be able to comprehend an adult discussion." THIS is quality right here, can you not see that? Also if you would like to read your own posts it was you who mentioned both "the good ole days" (btw its ol' as in old) and feminists hating men while I myself never said anything of the sort. I did say